
MW 9:30am - 11:00am


Tech LR 5


Chris Riesbeck



Your app is locked down. Time to deploy! Deploying means creating a standalone version of your app that someone can install and run directly, not inside the Scanner app.

On Demo Day, if possible, you should demo using your deployed app running stand-alone, not inside the Scanner app.

At first glance, this looks easy. Just call

steroids deploy

But it turns out to be more complicated than that. Basically, to deploy any app, whether it be Supersonic or not, you need to

Supersonic provides a cloud service to simplify some of these steps. Note that there's a difference between ad hoc apps that can be deployed in limited ways to test users, and distribution apps that can be deployed to stores such as the Apple app store or Google Play for anyone to download.

Things are even more complex for iOS apps (the most popular) because

Northwestern has time-limited licenses available. I will post on Piazza instructions on how to request them. These come with some limitations. Apple distinguishes team members from team administrators, You will a member of the Northwestern team. Some operations needed to deploy have to be done by a team administrator, e.g., me.

For iOS, you'll be creating an Debug Ad Hoc build. This type of app can be installed on devices for testing but can't be placed on the Apple App Store. Distribution versions need approval from Apple for the App Store, or Northwestern, for enterprise-level distribution. Approval can take weeks.

Note that most of the same steps are needed to add push notifications to your app. Apps that need push notifications require additional steps, both for Supersonic, and for the Northwestern app provisioning profile. Some of those steps require action on my part, based on information from you.

Task Components

Every team needs to deploy and test their app on all the iOS and/or Android devices the team has.