
MW 9:30am - 11:00am


Tech LR 5


Chris Riesbeck


Enabling Push Notifications for iOS Apps

Push notifications on any platform are a complicated multistep process, and so is setting them up. There's documentation at Supersonic, but it mostly points to the steps you need to do for iOS and Android. Because push notifications are a potential source of really annoying spam, there are some deliberate hurdles in enabling push notification, to make sure they're coming from a trusted app. As usual, the steps for iOS are more complicated than for Android. For some tutorial background, see Demystifying iOS Certificates and Provisioning Files and Ray Wenderlich's tutorial.

The steps become yet more complicated when working with the free Northwestern team developer licenses, because many of the setup steps can only be done by an authorized team admin, such as myself.

As best I understand it, with advice from NUIT, this is what you need to do to enable push notifications for your app, for ad hoc test distribution.

Generate a CSR Certificate Request file

Delegate one person on your team to be the certificate requester. It should be someone who will be available, with their machine, until the end of the project. Then:

A CSR will be generated and a private key will be stored in the KeyChain of the machine.

Send Me Your App Provisioning Data

Send me the following information in an email with subject line CS 394 [your team name] Push Information:

If there are any new devices to add, you need to send me a description and device ID so I can add them.

Wait for the Certificate Material

I will generate the provisioning profile and push notifications certificate with the information you've given me. I will send an email with the Push Notifications Certificate and you can download the Provisioning Profile from Apple.

Install the Provision Profile

Every developer should

Make sure the bundle ID for the app in Xcode matches the one you sent me.

Install a Client SSL Signing Identity on Your Push Notification Server

To actually send push notifications, you need to use a push notification server. You can run one on a development machine, or use a service, such as the ones provided by Parse and others. Depending on which server you use, you need to give it either a .pem (Privacy Enhanced Mail) or .p12 (Personal Information Exchange) file, generated as follows.

On the machine that was used to create the CSR file, double-click the “Push Notifications Certificate” file I sent you, to add it to that machine's Keychain, then:

Copy or upload the exported file to your push notification server.