
Yan Chen, Associate Professor
Tech L459, 491-4946.

Location and Time

Lectures: Mon and Wed 9:30am-10:50pm, Tech LG76.

Course Description

Cybercrime has exploded over the last decade. In this course, we will explore programming language and program analysis techniques to improve the security of software systems. Topics include classical static, dynamics and hybrid analysis techniques, and their new applications on the emerging software systems, such as smartphones, Web, and embedded systems.

This course is intended for both CS and CE undergraduates and graduate students.  During the course, we will read and discuss research papers, and identify a list of open research problems, from which the students can choose their class projects.  There will be no exams. Students are encouraged to take 399/499 courses with me, and use the same project for 399/499 and this course.  This course is counted for the project requirement, and the depth areas of system and securitys as well as the breath area of systems for CS major student.

Course Prerequisites

  • Required: EECS 321 or with equivalent knowledge on programming languages.
  • Highly recommended: EECS 350, 354, or equivalent intro to computer security course.

Course Materials


No exams for this class.

  • Class participation 10%
  • Paper reading summary 10%
  • In class paper presentation and debate 25%
  • Project 55%
    1. Proposal and survey 5%
    2. Midterm presentation and report 10%
    3. Weekly report and meeting 10%
    4. Final presentation 10%
    5. Final report 20%

Papers Reading and Presentation

There is no required textbook. All reading will be from papers. Whenever possible, handouts and papers will be placed online on the web page. A schedule of assigned readings is available online.

To ensure lively discussions, you will be required to write a very brief summary of each paper you read, to be electronically handed in by at least 24 hours before the class time, via emailing to Your summary should include at least:

  • Paper title and its author(s).
  • Brief one-line summary.
  • A paragraph of the one or two most significant new insight(s) you took away from the paper.
  • A paragraph of the one or two most significant flaw(s) of the paper: maybe an experiment was poorly designed or the main idea had a narrow scope or applicability. Being able to assess weaknesses as well as strengths is an important skill for this course and beyond.
  • A last paragraph where you state the relevance of the ideas today, potential future research suggested by the article, etc.

Each presentation should include at least the following from the paper:

  • Background and motivation: please note that this part is very important to give other students enough background on the problem context. Please spend at least 20 minutes on this part.
  • Basic problem
  • Classification of related work and background
  • Main ideas
  • Evaluation and results
  • Open issues

You must send the slides to for review at least 48 hours before your presentation. There are some guidelines which you will find useful.


Projects (done in groups of size 2+) are a critical component of this course. Your goal is to design, build and evaluate interesting systems that address issues, solve problems and exploit techniques from classroom discussions and readings.

Projects must be written up in a term paper and teams will present their results at the end of the course in a mini-conference and write up a report. The list of potential ideas for projects will be posted soon. Feel free to use one, propose something completely different, or refine one of these into your own idea.

Project Deliverables and Deadlines (all due at 11:59pm of the due date)

Proposal -- April 12: 3-4 pages describing the purpose of the project, work to be done and potential load distribution, expected outcome/results, etc. Make sure to describe the context and related work for the proposed project.

Weekly Meeting and Progress Report -- April 15 - May 24 Each team will schedule a weekly meeting (30 minutes) with the instructors. Send us the updated report and highlight the new updated part (except the May 5 week). For each week, we expect updates of 1-2 pages on the project status, initial results, and problems encountered, etc. The report is due 24 hours ahead of the meeting.

Midterm presentation -- May 3: Presentation of your project in progress to the class (20 minutes each group).

Project Presentation -- May 31: The final project presentation should have the following content: 1) briefly state the goal of the project; 2) present the algorithms and results; 3) any remaining work to be finished by the final project report; 4) work division among the group.  The presentation is expected to be 30 minute each, including Q&A.

Final Report -- June 12: The final report is a workshop-level paper describing your work, evaluation, related research, potential avenues to explore, etc. You should incorporate the comments received during the presentation.  At the end of report, there should be an appendix of README which describes 1) where the code is; and 2) how to run the code (including the library and environment needed).


  • Late policy:
    Since there are many small handin (e.g., paper summary, work-in-progress report) for this course, we do not accept late submissions.
  • Work division:
    I will try to group undergrad and grad students together. While more work is certainly expected for the grad students, undergraduate students should also be responsible for significant portion of the project and each undergrad in the team should do similar amount of work. At the end of the quarter, we will ask each one to submit a brief description on work division of his/her team.