(dr.) Robert Zubek

About Me

I work on artificial intelligence for computer games, and especially on modelling social interaction with human players. My dissertation concentrated on extending simple interaction technologies with knowledge of the structure of conversation over time, and engagement in multiple simultaneous conversational protocols, using simple and inexpensive hierarchical parallel hidden Markov models.

In my previous life I also used to be a roboticist, and worked on autonomous mobile robots that drove around conference centers, gave extemporaneous demos of their own abilities, and sometimes stalked innocent attendees quoting Python one-liners. 


contact info (until july 2005)

(but remember to get rid of spam!)

847 491 7535 (voice)
847 491 5258 (fax)

Mailing Address

Computer Science Department
Northwestern University
1890 Maple Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201