[Maya Warm-Cool Shader Material]
The following steps outline the process for using a Maya shading map as a rough implementation of the Warm-Cool shader described in A Non-Photorealistic Lighting Model For Automatic Technical Illustration, presented at SIGGRAPH 98 by Amy Gooch, Bruce Gooch, Peter Shirley, and Elaine Cohen.

  • Open the Hypershade window. (Window menu -> Rendering Editors -> Hypershade)
  • Create a new Shading Map material. (In the hypershade window: Create menu -> Materials -> Shading Map)
  • Create a new Ramp Shader material. (In the hypershade window: Create menu -> Materials -> Ramp Shader)
  • Create a new Lambert Shader material. (In the hypershade window: Create menu -> Materials -> Lambert)
  • Click on the right arrow at the bottom of the Lambert icon. Select outColor -> outColor.
  • Drag the connector line over to the Shading Map icon. Click and hold, then select Color from the pop-up menu.
  • Click on the right arrow at the bottom of the Ramp Shader icon. Select outColor -> outColor.
  • Drag the connector line over to the Shading Map icon. Click and hold, then select Other from the pop-up menu.
  • On the left pane of the resulting Connection Editor window select outColor. On the right side select Shading Map Color.

    Ramp Shader - Shading Map Connection
  • Close the Connection Editor.
  • Click on the right arrow at the bottom of the Lambert icon. Select outColor -> outColor
  • Drag the connector line over to the Shading Map icon. Click and hold, then select Other from the pop-up menu.
  • On the left pane of the Attribute Editor select Color. On the right pane click the + icon next to Environment[0]. Select Environment[0].Environment_Color.

    Lambert Shader - Ramp Shader Connections
  • Close the Connection Editor.

    Resulting Connections
  • Right-click on the center of the Ramp Shader icon and select Attribute Editor.
  • In the color box of the Attribute Editor click on the rectangular gradient display to add a new gradient point.
  • Move the new gradient point to the far right.
  • Set the right-hand point to 50% yellow and the left-hand point to 50% blue.
  • Under the Color Input drop down menu select Brightness.

    Ramp Shader Color Settings
  • Select the object or objects you wish to apply the material to.
  • Move back to the Hypershade window and right-click on the center of the Shading Map icon.
  • Select Assign Material To Selection.

    Note: You can apply the warm-cold effect to any input material by using that material in place of the Lambert Shader in the steps above.

    Normal Shading

    Warm-Cool Shading

  • Contact: n-matsuda@northwestern.edu