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Curriculum Vitae in PDF

Magy Seif El-Nasr
Assistant Professor
School of Information Science and Technology
The Pennsylvania State University
2T Thomas Building
University Park, PA 16802-2117


My research focuses on building interactive narrative systems that automate and extend existing techniques used in film and theatre. My goal is to build computational models to facilitate and accelerate the process of visual design in interactive narratives, including games, interactive drama, and interactive stories. This field spans many areas in both computer science and the performance arts, including computer graphics, Artificial Intelligence, agents research, systems, drama, acting, lighting, photography, camera movements and framing, and directing.

The problem of creating visual designs for interactive experiences is a serious and complex problem. A number of design details, including character positions and the dramatic significance of an event, are often not known at design time. My research addresses this problem by devising computational models based on visual design theories to automate the process while allowing artists to guide the model's decisions whenever necessary.

I am interested in continuing my work on interactive narrative and extending my research to explore a number of topics, including character motion and behaviors, frame composition, character blocking, and camera movement. In addition, I would like to explore the influence and utility of such expressive techniques on the interaction within an interactive experience. I am also interested in pursuing other aspects of interactive narrative, such as user-modeling and interactive narrative design.





List of publications are avaliable here


