one crumb from one person every day


8 | 01 | 00

-- and yet no one has died. and everyone's gotten over it. and i'm still young. and full of beans. i'm one of those endearing-type screw ups that people would root for if they ever made a movie about me. i can live with that.

8 | 02 | 00

so i'm looking at him among his people and i'm thinking. jesus, look at him. he's king dork. that's what he is. i love him as a friend and all, but really, he's not the least bit appealing as far as boys go. man, who pulled the wool over my eyes for all those years?

8 | 04 | 00

my dad died peacefully this evening.

8 | 05 | 00

It was meant to be witty, and wasn't out of order or over the top in any way, but for fuck's sake, four in the morning, and pissed?... How would you feel if you got a message like that? A complication (a factor, anyway) is that because she's so stunning she's constantly having blokes come on to her (I've seen it happen), and I don't want her to think I'm a tosser like that. Come on, be honest, you're a cracker, how do you deal with it, geezers on the pull?

8 | 07 | 00

It seems that 75 people were arrested while building puppets for use in a protest parade during the Republican convention. They have been held for a week without being told what they are being charged with.

8 | 08 | 00

Yes. That's how they get you. Soon we'll all be playing volleyball and talking about our stock options over our cellphones.

8 | 09 | 00

the whole south is a speed trap, isn't it?

8 | 10 | 00

One piece of unsolicited advice I want to offer is to maintain a tight focus

8 | 11 | 00

i must admit that "sadly, test anxiety may kill the social cat" somehow got to me

8 | 12 | 00


8 | 13 | 00

I saw a guy at the Greek restaurant where the fam. went to dinner last night who looked EXACTLY ****EXACTLY**** like what would be the result of Ken and Hegberg having a child together. SO EERIE!

8 | 15 | 00

Brook is cute, where did you pick him up?

8 | 16 | 00

as soon as I finish putting out all these fires @ work, which is sometime shortly after I die

8 | 17 | 00

oh, don't mind me. i just wanted to body slam you.

3 |18 | 00

That's a long story but the disc w/ the pasta-ass...

8 | 19 | 00

i sure hope he got over that sadist lesbian and stone penis thing!

8 | 21 | 00

so instead of the 5% nation of lemony fresh, the 5% nation of lumps in my oatmeal, and the 5% nation of nipple clamps we could have the 5% procrastination of term papers, the 5% procrastination of boxes to pack, and the 5% procrastination of laundry to do

8 | 22 | 00

guess what i'm doing tonight. no guess. guess. i said guess!

oh all right.

8 | 23 | 00

hey lady.

8 | 24 | 00

Hey, I think I met a girl!

8 | 25 | 00

I have entered the below in my diary for the week that you were in Austin:

"The next few days were a nightmare for me and my friends. Robin's control had gone and her mind was cracking. Her tendency to paranoia swelled to insanity. Anyone who tried to calm her or restrain her became a fascist spy, especially if they were in uniform. Aggressive, loud, violent, sometimes incoherent, drinking constantly, she roamed Austin insulting policemen, making sexual propositions to strangers, and terrorizing the people who would have liked to help her. Robin was finially forced to leave Austin, and Texas, after she began obscenely smearing coctail weiners all over the Stevie Ray Vaughn Memorial Statue by the lake. Even she was unable to talk her way out of this incident; at least she somehow managed to evade jail time with the promise that she would never return to the Lone Star State ever again. Still, for all the trouble she caused, it couldn't light a candle to what happened when Seth Tisue visited."

50 years from now when someone decides to do a biography on you, this is what they will have to work with....

8 | 27 | 00

anyway, how are you and brook? you shackin' up wit im yet?

8 | 28 | 00

I think I covered most all the details, but bet I didn't; there must be some huge plot hole in there makin you go "so?? so what??"

8 | 29 | 00

Yikes indeed!

I built a sandwich with all meat and ate it. Three times. Viva interactive media!

8 | 30 | 00

I'm sending separate boy and girl messages so I can call you all delicate flowers without offending anybody.

8 | 31 | 00

I especially like this part: "Sophisticated robots like the Terminator are still many years into the future..."
