Using a FlexBot Behavior


  1. Installing a FlexBot Behavior On Your Machine
  2. Loading a Bot With the Desired Behavior

Installing a FlexBot Behavior On Your Machine

It is easy to install behaviors developed by other programmers on your machine. A bot behavior is defined within a DLL file. Copying the behavior's DLL into your "FlexBot/dlls/behavior_dlls" directory (e.g. "C:\sierra\half-life\FlexBot\dlls\behavior_dlls\") will make the behavior available for use in your FlexBot game.

The FlexBot game does not need to be restarted before new behaviors become available. Behaviors that are currently running, however, cannot be replaced with a new version while still loaded.

Loading a Bot With the Desired Behavior

You can load a behavior from the console by using the "bot n dll" command followed by the name of the behavior. For example, you can load bot number 2 with the behavior defined in the file "FodderBot.dll" by typing "bot 2 dll FodderBot". Assuming that the behavior name corresponds to a valid behavior DLL, the bot will immediately begin running with the specified behavior.