;10/29/03 ;Halloween Problem - Harry Potter ; concentrate on : goals, nature of evil, intentions, motivations - what is ; driving people to do the events ; how does x feel about y? ; why does x do y? --motivation ; what caused event E? (why was the broom stolen?) ; Sara Owsley ; Greg Dunham ; Josh Unterman ; Ben Neidhart ; Sanjay Sood Default Mt: UniversalVocabularyMt . Constant: LifeWorld . isa: DataMicrotheory . genlMt: WorldLikeOursCollectorMt . Default Mt: LifeWorld. Constant: win. isa: BinaryPredicate. arg1Isa: Agent. arg2Isa: Event. Constant: HarryStory. isa: Event. Constant: Harry. isa: Person. Constant: Malfoy. isa: Person. Constant: Herminea. isa: Person. Constant: Ron. isa: Person. Constant: Hogwarts. isa: SchoolInstitution-KThrough12. Constant: Broom. isa: TransportationDevice-Vehicle. Constant: StoleBroom. isa: Stealing-Generic. performedBy: Malfoy. subEvents: HarryStory. F: (purposeInEvent Malfoy StoleBroom (not (possesses Harry Broom))). Constant: SearchBroom. isa: Action. performedBy: Harry. performedBy: Ron. performedBy: Herminea. subEvents: HarryStory. startsAfterEndingOf: StoleBroom. causedBy: StoleBroom. Constant: FoundBroom. isa: Action. performedBy: Ron. subEvents: HarryStory. startsAfterEndingOf: SearchBroom. causedBy: SearchBroom. enables-Generic F: (enables-Generic SearchBroom FoundBroom). F: (causes-ThingProp FoundBroom (possesses Harry Broom)). Constant: WinningQMatch. isa: Event. subEvents: HarryStory. F: (enables-Generic (possesses Harry Broom) WinningQMatch). F: (win Harry WinningQMatch). Constant: KeptBroomSecret. isa: Action. performedBy: Harry. performedBy: Ron. performedBy: Herminea. subEvents: HarryStory. startsAfterEndingOf: FoundBroom. causedBy: FoundBroom. enables-Generic: WinningQMatch. F: (startsAfterEndingOf WinningQMatch KeptBroomSecret). Constant: emotionAboutThing. isa: TernaryPredicate. arg1Isa: Agent. arg2Isa: FeelingType. arg3Isa: Thing. F: (goals Harry (win Harry WinningQMatch)). F: (desires Malfoy (not (win Harry WinningQMatch))). F: (causes-PropProp (dislikes-Generic Malfoy Harry) (desires Malfoy (not (win Harry WinningQMatch)))). F: (emotionAboutThing Harry Elation WinningQMatch). F: (emotionAboutThing Malfoy Disappointment WinningQMatch). F: (emotionAboutThing Harry Panic SearchBroom). F: (emotionAboutThing Ron Panic SearchBroom). F: (emotionAboutThing Herminea Panic SearchBroom). F: (enables-ThingProp FoundBroom (goals Harry (not (knowsAbout Malfoy FoundBroom)))). F: (enables-ThingProp FoundBroom (goals Ron (not (knowsAbout Malfoy FoundBroom)))). F: (enables-ThingProp FoundBroom (goals Herminea (not (knowsAbout Malfoy FoundBroom)))). F: (causes-PropProp (emotionAboutThing Herminea Loyalty Harry) (performedBy SearchBroom Herminea)). F: (causes-PropProp (emotionAboutThing Ron Loyalty Harry) (performedBy SearchBroom Ron)).