Final Project Design Proposal
Forrest Sondahl
Multi-Agent Modeling (2005)


I plan to design a framework for doing genetic programming in the NetLogo language, and then use this framework to create two different models.  When I speak of genetic programming, I do not mean modeling the genetic or evolutionary processes that occur in nature.  Rather, I am referring to the technique known as genetic programming that lies entirely within the domain of computer science. 

     Genetic programming - (GP) A programming technique which extends the
genetic algorithm to the domain of whole computer programs. In GP, populations of programs are genetically bred to solve problems. Genetic programming can solve problems of system identification, classification, control, robotics, optimization, game playing, and pattern recognition.  Starting with a primordial ooze of hundreds or thousands of randomly created programs composed of functions and terminals appropriate to the problem, the population is progressively evolved over a series of generations by applying the operations of Darwinian fitness proportionate reproduction and crossover (sexual recombination).

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(Chart courtesy of the tutorial at, which is recommended reading for an overview of genetic programming.)

gp flowchart

Genetic programming is an intriguing field for many reasons.  It is a case of a computer program writing computer programs.  Genetic programming can also demonstrate the power of the Darwinian principles of evolution, even beyond the bounds of biology.  The primary goal is to provide a demonstration how genetic programming works, on a visual and interactive level.  The secondary goal is to leave behind a code framework for genetic programming that could be adapted to different problems without great difficulty by future NetLogo modelers.

Educational Benefits:

As noted just above, I think genetic programming is an intriguing topic.  Therefore it is not too surprising that I believe it would be beneficial for more people to know about it, and understand how it works.  Obviously, the models I will be developing could be useful to run in a computer science class such as Introduction to Artificial Intelligence.  Furthermore, I suggest, that the although the details of implementing genetic programming might be a bit difficult for the lay person to digest, the general procedure is quite accessible to the general public.  I suspect that biologists in particular would be interested to see this "artificial evolution" at work.  It is also possible to make the case that genetic programming could provide insight into the way that intelligence has evolved in the biological world -- and that our minds (and the minds of animals) could be conceived of as highly sophisticated computer programs that have evolved over time, with some implicit "fitness function" of survival and capacity to reproduce (as opposed to the explicitly formulated fitness functions found in genetic programming).  Before stepping too far in that direction, however, it must be recalled that the genetic programming method was created not in an attempt to model how intelligent life formed in the past, but rather as a tool for how to create intelligent behavior in computer programs in the present.  Regardless of debate around the applicability of the process to historical evolution, the mere act of engaging in comparison and contrast between the biological evolution of creatures and the simulated evolution of computer programs is an educational process.  For this reason, I hope that the models will make their way beyond the boundaries of their parent discipline, computer science.  Also, the realization that it is possible for computer programs to create computer programs is mind-expanding, for those who have not encountered it before.

I will first discuss general issues of implementing genetic programming in NetLogo, and then comment briefly on the two models that I will be building.

Implementation and Rationale:

Overall, I am expecting the implementation to be rather involved, and probably downright tricky.  For the present, therefore, this section will consist of a fair amount of guesswork, as well as meandering thought processes weighing the pros and cons of various implementation choices.  At least some design choices seem relatively straightforward--each computer program will be represented in a given generation by an agent of breed "codeturtle". 

Setup Phase:
Every genetic programming simulation is a search for an algorithm which solves some given problem.  This problem statement will be represented by some combination of patches and agents and various logic associated with them.  The problem will also impose certain restrictions on which actions a codeturtle may perform. 

It will also be necessary to choose a list of functions (commands, reporters, control structures, and operators) and terminals (numbers, variables, slider-variables) which will make up the DNA of the programs the represent.  These ingredients should be different for each problem, and so we need to be able to specify them in a fairly flexible way.  It is probably good enough to represent the terminals as a flat list, which may be chosen from at random to build expressions.  However, the functions each require their own syntax (especially in the number and type of arguments).  I haven't figured out exactly how I want to treat this yet.  In any case, the last step of setup is to create a population of codeturtles which contain randomly generated code in a "codeturtles-own" variable called "code".  The average starting code length will be determined by a slider, as will the size of the initial population.  Again, I have not yet decided the best way to represent this code.  One natural way would be to represent the code as a flat list of statements.  The preferable (and more ambitious) method is to represent code as parse trees (I'm hoping to do this by using nested lists to represent the trees in NetLogo).  Although there has been some work with genetic programming where the programs are encoded linearly (in assembly languages, for one), I believe that the best empirical results have been achieved with the use of tree structures.  (Side note: LISP-like languages are particularly well suited for genetic programming because of how easily they may be represented as trees...)  In any case, there are quite a few difficulties to be dealt with here -- such as how to represent important control structures like conditionals and loops.

Generation Step Phase:
Each codeturtle will, during time step t, run the code that it is storing.  This can be accomplished through the "run" primitive in NetLogo ("runresult" may also prove useful).  Then the fitness for this turtle will be computed.  I have not yet decided whether it would be better to have all the turtles in the generation run simultaneously or separately.  Traditionally in genetic programming, the programs are each run against the given problem in isolation from each other.  However, with NetLogo it is equally doable to have the codeturtles run their programs concurrently, even in some sort of competition with each other if the problem we are trying to solve can be formulated in this way.  Another question is what to display to the user.  Although it might be educational to show each step of the process, there is a difficulty of time here.  That is to say, in order to get effective results from genetic programming, a large population of codeturtles will need to be run for a large number of generations.  So it might be better to only show the "best-so-far" code turtle from each generation.  After all, many of the codeturtles in each generation are going to fail horribly at the task they are meant to perform, and although it may be informative to watch a few failures, I am sure that it will quickly grow old.

Breeding Phase:
Codeturtles will be selected from the population randomly, with greater preference given to those with high fitness.  One of the genetic operations (copying, mutation, or crossover -- chosen randomly, weighted by the probability sliders) will be performed on each chosen code-turtle, to yield a new generation of turtles.  Depending on how I manage to implement the code structure each codeturtle owns, it may be that some invalid statements will be created (for that matter, they may have been created invalid in the original random-creation step).  And even if type checking for each command, reporter, and operator is properly handled, other runtime errors such as division-by-zero may occur.  Rather than prevent this, the simplest approach is to wrap "carefully []" blocks around the "run" commands, and then either 1) disqualify the codeturtle for bad code, or 2) just ignore bad commands and go on.  I strongly favor the latter approach.  Although one might have some reservations about allowing codeturtles which have invalid code to continue to keep living, consider the biological evolutionary process that genetic programming seeks to emulate.  The interactions of DNA are considerably more fault tolerant than parse-checker of the NetLogo interpreter.  Furthermore, as I recall, a large percentage of the human genome isn't being "used" -- it's just sitting there, like a DNA junkyard of interesting material.  Consider our error-giving NetLogo commands to likewise be information-holders, from which code can be swapped in and out via crossover operations.  After the new generation has been filled with codeturtles, the old generation will pass away.  The simulations will run again with the new generation, the fitness for each computed, etc, and the cycle will continue...

The "view", of course, shows codeturtles run through the simulation.
Fitness monitor:  shows the fitness of the best fit codeturtle so far.
Time step monitor: shows the number of the current time step
Fitness plot:  plots the best-so-far fitness, and the average fitness over all code turtles for each generation.
Sliders:  population size, program length
    copying probability, mutation probability
   (let the crossover probability = 1 - copying prob. - mutation prob.)
Buttons:  Setup, Go (forever), Step (one generation)
+ other controls I'm sure I will think of later
+ any environmental controls for the particular problem model

There are several good things about using NetLogo to model genetic programming.  Primarily, NetLogo provides a configurable visual environment for experiencing the process of genetic programming in a much more hands-on way than would be possible with more traditional languages such as Lisp, Java or C.  The use of a multi-agent environment also makes it easy handle collections of agents acting and interacting, each with different sets of rules. 

Also, successful applications of genetic programming often require tinkering, and NetLogo is a tinkerer's playground.  The effectiveness of the genetic programming algorithm depends on good choices for functions and terminals, the fitness function, the size of the population, the starting program length, and the probabilities for crossover versus copying versus mutation.  The functions and terminals will hopefully be modifiable in the source code without too much difficulty.  The fitness function should be easy to change in the source code too, but even better might be to have a Chooser control with several choices for fitness functions for a given model.  The best tinkering, however, is with with the population size, program length, and genetic operation probabilities since they may be implemented naturally as sliders.  These also are particularly well suited for BehaviorSpace analysis, to determine the effectiveness of various settings.  BehaviorSpace could also be used to test running the genetic programming algorithm for different numbers of generations, to see what sort of improvement in results is gained.

Also, the "run" primitive which allows a string to be interpreted as code is a useful feature of the NetLogo language.  This makes it possible to create a NetLogo program that creates NetLogo programs (or at least NetLogo code fragments).

Two Models:

I have tried to choose two substantially different applications of genetic programming.  The goal of the first model is to solve a well-defined, algorithmic problem, by measuring the performance of each member of the population in isolation.  The goal of the second model is to solve a fuzzier problem, where the fitness of each individual is determined by simultaneously competing with other members of the generation.

I.  The Maze Marchers
Overview:  Use genetic programming to develop a strategy for finding the goal state of a maze.  This is a classic problem in artificial intelligence, for which there is the well known "right hand rule" solution.  I hope that genetic programming will find either this strategy, or some other strategy that guarantees finding the maze exit.

Considerations:  I could use a few prebuilt mazes, but then agents might come up with strategies that just work well on those given mazes.  So I may want to design a random maze generator.

Implementation:  Patches will serve as blocks, being either wall or empty.  Agents will not be allowed to move into wall patches.

Fitness function possibilities:  Closest (Cartesian distance, or maze-walking distance) to maze exit (at the end of run, or at any point during the run)

II. The Greedy Grazers
Overview:  Creatures are in competition for grazing -- use genetic programming to find movement strategies for them that help maximize their food intake.  This is a more open-ended problem, and it will be interesting to see what strategies evolve.

Considerations:  Since I don't know much about it, and can't intuitively see what solutions will come up, it is entirely possible that the best strategy will be something rather boring, like "walk in a straight line."  Or it may be that most strategies will perform equally well.  So I may need to change the rules some once I get there, to define a more interesting problem.  Need to control the amount of movement each codeturtle has.  We can't let one of them win, simply because it's using "forward 5" instead of "forward 1".  Maybe only let the turtles decide on a heading, and fix their movement?

Implementation:  Set all patches green.  Place all codeturtles of the given generation randomly on the field.  Let them go for X time, and when they walk over a green patch, turn it black.  Count how many patches they ate.

Fitness function possibilities:  Amount of grass eaten.  (Amount of grass eaten / distance moved? )
I must apologize that this section on the models is rather small and vague at present.  I think I need to cement some of the implementation for the framework for genetic programming before I can nail down the models that will be built on top of it.  Also, it is difficult to know whether or not genetic programming will do a good job of solving a given problem until you try it.  It would seem rather silly to present a genetic programming model which entirely fails to find a solution, and if this is the case, then I may switch to other models that lend themselves better to being solved by genetic programming.

I would be most grateful to hear any feedback, suggestions, criticisms, possible pitfalls, etc, about this project idea.

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