EECS 349 Project Proposal

Due 11:59PM Thursday, April 9


The project proposals should be a one-page PDF file and should cover the following four points:

You will submit a single proposal as a group in Canvas. Follow these steps in Canvas to set up your group, which in Canvas is known as a Collaboration:
  1. In the menu on the left-hand side of your Canvas homepage, click on Collaborations.
  2. Locate the dropdown menu next to Collaborate using: under Start a New Collaboration.
  3. From the available collaborative platform choices, choose the one that most of your team members are familiar with. We recommend Google Docs.
  4. In the Document name: textbox, enter the title of your project as your Collaboration name (e.g., “Machine Learning Agent for Complete Control of Spaceship”). If you have not decided on your project or its title, enter any descriptor that easily identifies your team (e.g., “HAL 9000” or “The A-Team”) and update it later when you have decided. After teams are assigned in class, you may be supplied with a prefix string to add to your Collaboration name, something as mundane as “Team 1 – ” or “Group A – ”.
  5. (Optional, but recommended, step) In the Description textbox, enter a description for your project.
  6. Locate the Collaborate With: pane, where you will see all your classmates listed on the left and an empty box on the right, with instructions on how to add names from the left to the right.
  7. Mouse over your team members’ names one by one and click on their name or on the plus sign next to it to add them to your Collaboration. For erroneously added names, mouse over the name on the right and click on the cross sign to remove them from your Collaboration.
  8. Finally, click on Save Collaboration.