1 Practice with map and filter
2 Linear combinations

Problem Set 5

Language: Intermediate Student
Due: 11:59 PM Tuesday, Feb. 12

1 Linear combinations

Complete exercise 17.6.4 from HTDP/1e.

2 Practice with map and filter

Use map, filter and local (you don't need lambda) to define the following functions.

  ; pts-north : posn list-of-posn -> list-of-posn
  ; returns the posns from lop that are north of p,
  ; that is, whose y-coordinate is greater than p's y-coordinate
  (define (pts-north p lop) ---)
  ; build-straight-line : num list-of-number -> list-of-posn
  ; returns a list of posns where the x-coordinate is n and
  ; the y-coordinate is a number in lon
  ; e.g., (build-straight-line 2 (list 1 2 3))
  ; should be (list (make-posn 2 1) (make-posn 2 2) (make-posn 2 3))
  (define (build-straight-line n lon) ---)