1 Reversing Lists
2 Family Trees

Problem Set 3

Language: Beginning Student with List Abbreviations
Due: 11:59 PM Monday Jan. 28

1 Reversing Lists

  ; A list-of-numbers is either
  ; - empty
  ; - (cons number list-of-numbers)
Write the following function:
  ; reverse-list : list-of-numbers -> list-of-numbers
  ; reverses the elements of a list of numbers
  (define (reverse-list lon) ---)

Note: you should not use the built-in function "reverse" in your solution.

2 Family Trees

  ; A ftn is either
  ; - empty
  ; - (make-child symbol number symbol ftn ftn)
  (define-struct child (name date eyes mom dad))
Write the following functions:
  ; proper-blue-eyed-ancestor : ftn -> boolean
  ; returns true if ‘f’ has a blue-eyed ancestor,
  ; where a person does not count as their own ancestor
  ; and empty family tree branches are assumed to have no
  ; blue-eyed members
  ; (This is exercise 14.1.6 in HtDP/1e.)
  (define (proper-blue-eyed-ancestor f) ---)
  ; a list-of-symbols is either
  ; - empty
  ; - (cons symbol list-of-symbols)
  ; eye-colors : ftn -> list-of-symbols
  ; returns a list of all of the eye-colors in ‘f’
  ; (if there are multiple ancestors with the same eye-colors,
  ; the list should contain multiple occurrences of the same symbol)
  (define (eye-colors f) ---)
  ; no-dup-eye-colors : ftn -> list-of-symbols
  ; returns a list of all of the eye-colors in ‘f’
  ; this list should contain at most one occurrence of
  ; each different eye-color
  (define (no-dup-eye-colors f) ---)