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I am currently a Senior Software Engineer in the System Software Divison of Software & Services Group at Intel. I finished my Ph.D in July 2007. I joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern University in July 2002. My advisor is Professor Peter A. Dinda. Before joining Northwestern University, I completed my B.S. in 2002 in the Department of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Science & Technology of China.
Research Interests
  • Resource management, scheduling, virtualization and adaptation for operating systems and distributed systems
  • User experience and feedback in using computational and networking resources
  • Autonomic computing and power management
  • Computer systemss and distributed systems with a focus on services, virtual machines and interactive applications
Research Group
Study how and how much of the PC resources can we borrow from the user without producing discomfort.
Resource Management and Prediction for Distributed Computing Using Virtual Machines
  • VSched
A periodic real-time scheduling system for virtual machines; run entirely in user space
  • User-driven CPU Scheduling
A direct user input based approach to both service-level agreement (SLA) specification and resource scheduling for enforcement
  • Process and User Driven Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling
  • Bin Lin, Human-driven Optimization, NWU-EECS-07-04, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Northwestern University, July 26th, 2007, pdf.
  • Bin Lin, Ananth I. Sundararaj and Peter A. Dinda, Time-sharing Parallel Applications With Performance Isolation,  Cluster Computing, Volume 11, Number 3, September 2008, pdf
  • Arindam. Mallik, Bin Lin, Gokhan Memik, Peter A.Dinda and Robert Dick, User-Driven Frequency Scaling,  IEEE Computer Society Computer Architecture Letters, 2006, pdf.
  • Bin Lin and Peter Dinda, Experiences With Scheduling and Mapping Games for Adaptive Distributed Systems: Summary, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'09), pdf.
  • Bin Lin, Arindam Mallik, Peter Dinda, Gokhan Memik and Robert Dick, User- and Process-Driven Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS'09), pdf.
  • Peter Dinda, Gokhan Memik, Robert Dick, Bin Lin, Arindam Mallik, Ashish Gupta and Samuel Rossoff, The User In Experimental Computer Systems Research, Proceedings of the Workshop on Experimental Computer Science (ExpCS'07), part of ACM FCRC'07, pdf.
  • Bin Lin, Ananth I. Sundararaj and Peter A. Dinda, Time-sharing Parallel Applications With Performance Isolation and Control, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'07), pdf, slides.
  • Bin. Lin, Arindam Mallik, Peter A. Dinda, Gokhan Memik and Robert Dick, Power Reduction Through Measurement and Modeling of Users and CPUs:Summary, Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS'07), pdf.
  • Bin Lin, Aaron B. Brown and Joseph L. Hellerstein, Towards an Understanding of Decision Complexity in IT Configuration,  Proceedings of the 1st ACM Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction for Management of Information Technology (CHIMIT’06), pdf, slides.
  • Bin Lin and Peter A. Dinda, Towards Scheduling Virtual Machines Based On Direct User Input, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Virtualization Technology in Distributed Computing (VTDC’06), in conjunction with Supercomputing’06, pdf, slides.
  • S. Chen, B. Falsafi, P. Gibbons, M. Kozuch, T. Mowry, R. Teodorescu, A. Ailamaki, L. Fix, G. Ganger, Bin. Lin, S. Schlosser, Log-Based Architectures for General-Purpose Monitoring of Deployed Code,  Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Architectural and System Support for Improving Software Dependability (ASID’06), in conjunction with ASPLOS XII (International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems), pdf.
  • Bin Lin, Aaron B. Brown and Joseph L. Hellerstein, Towards an Understanding of Decision Complexity in IT Configuration,  Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2006) (short paper), pdf.
  • Bin Lin and Peter A. Dinda, VSched: Mixing Batch and Interactive Virtual Machines Using Periodic Real-time Scheduling, Proceedings of ACM/IEEE SC 2005 (Supercomputing), pdf, slides.
  • Bin Lin, Peter Dinda, Dong Lu, User-driven Scheduling of Interactive Virtual Machines, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Grid Computing (GRID 2004). pdf
  • Ashish Gupta, Bin Lin and Peter A. Dinda, Measuring and Understanding User Comfort With Resource Borrowing, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC 2004), pdf
Techical Reports
  • Bin Lin, Ananth I. Sundararaj and Peter A. Dinda, Time-sharing Parallel Applications With Performance Isolation and Control, Technical Report NWU-EECS-06-10, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Northwestern University, January 11th, 2007. pdf
  • Arindam Mallik, Bin. Lin, Peter A. Dinda, Gokhan Memik and Robert Dick, Process and User Driven Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling, Technical Report NWU-EECS-06-11, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Northwestern University, August 14th, 2006. pdf
  • Bin Lin and Peter A. Dinda, Putting the User in Direct Control of CPU Scheduling, Technical Report NWU-EECS-06-07, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Northwestern University, July 30th, 2006. pdf
  • Bin Lin, Aaron B. Brown and Joseph L. Hellerstein, Towards an Understanding of Decision Complexity in IT Configuration, IBM Research Report (RC23901), March 3th, 2006. pdf
  • Bin Lin and Peter A. Dinda, Vsched: Mixing Batch and Interactive Virtual Machines Using Periodic Real-time Scheduling, Technical Report NWU-CS-05-26,Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Northwestern University, April 11th, 2005. pdf
  • Ashish Gupta, Bin Lin and Peter A. Dinda, A Framework And Toolkit For Understanding User Comfort With Resource Borrowing, Technical Report NWU-CS-04-28, Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Northwestern University, February 20th, 2004. pdf
  • Bin Lin and Peter A. Dinda, VSCHED: Mixing Batch and Interactive Virtual Machines Using Periodic Real-time Scheduling, in the Fifth International Workshop on Grid Computing (Grid 2004), in conjunction with SuperComputing2004, PITTSBURGH, PA, November, 2004, preliminary powerpoint poster
  • Bin Lin, Peter A. Dinda and Dong Lu, User-driven Scheduling of Interactive Virtual Machines, the Fifth International Workshop on Grid Computing (Grid 2004), held in conjunction with SuperComputing2004, PITTSBURGH, PA, November, 2004. powerpoint poster
A toolkit for understanding user comfort with resource borrowing.
A user space periodic real-time scheduling system.
Working Experience
  • August, 2007 — present: Senior Software Engineer, Intel
    • Identify hardware and/or software based power and performance optimization opportunities. This includes comprehensive data collection and analysis on today’s platforms, proposing technology enhancements, build prototypes and emulation to understand and establish the value proposition of the proposal to provide input into next-generation hardware and software architecture.
  • June, 2006 — Sept., 2006: Internship, Intel Research Laboratory at Pittsburgh
    • Research work on designing operating system support for the Log-Based Architectures (LBA) project focusing on developing extensions for many-core processors that enable efficient logging and extraction of run time execution events and demonstrating the benefits of such extensions for performance, debugging, security and recovery. (mentor: Michael A. Kozuch, manager: Todd Mowry)
  • June, 2005 – Sept, 2005: Internship, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
    • Participating in research work on the configuration complexity that permeates large IT systems, and on metrics to quantify it and benchmarks to evaluate it. My work focused in particular on modelling and measuring decision complexiiy in IT configuration. (Adaptive System Department, mentor: Aaron B. Brown, manager: Joseph L. Hellerstein)
Honors & Awards
  • STUDENT VOLUNTEER GRANT, Nov. 2006, ACM/IEEE Supercomputing Conference (SC’06)
  • MORRISON TERMINAL YEAR FELLOWSHIP, 2006, Northwestern University
  • WALTER P. MURPHY FELLOWSHIP, 2002, Northwestern University
  • I'm 2004-2005 President of CSSA (Chinese Students & Scholars Association), the biggest international student group, at Northwestern University.
  • 2004-2005 OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP AWARD, Northwestern University.
    • Awarded to one male and one female junior, senior or graduate student who has displayed outstanding leadership through his/her involvement while at Northwestern.
    • Awarded to a graduate/professional student organization that has demonstrated, through its programming and outreach, a commitment to improving the quality of life at Northwestern University.
  • Fall 2004, CS211, Fundamentals of Computer Programming II (Instructor: Vana Doufexi)
Im also doing web designing for fun. Below are some of the websites I participated in designing.
Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
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