Amy, Please find attached my makeshift animation! It was the best I could do with what I had at hand. I did learn from it, however, and anticipate it will help me in my final project. I may not have all the fine details you asked for, but here is what I do have. "Dunce Dog" in a natural pose - he's a goofy little mutt, and he's posing for the camera. "Dunce Dog" in neutral pose 1 - he's getting ready to do a jumping jack for the crowd's amusement. "Dunce Dog" in neutral pose 2 - he's midway through the motion, bringing legs in towards each other. "Dunce Dog" in extreme pose - shows the completion of the movement. If there's anything I can add to it, please let me know, as I will be more than happy to do so, even for partial credit. As always, thanks for your continual support and encouragement. I was as lost as a canoe at sea before, but now that I followed your advice - let go and have a little fun, I learned something and enjoyed it in the process! Don't get me wrong, I'm still a bit lost, but at least now I'm like a canoe at sea, with a compass and an oar. Thanks again =) Jinho