Introduction to Networking


Ashish Gupta
Teaching Assistant
CS 340


This page will contain useful material related to the project assignments and recitations.


Recitation 1:

Topics discussed:

1. Introduction to sockets (download ppt)
2. Introduction to Project 1 (download ppt)

A good tutorial on socket programming

Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets


Recitation 2 , Jan 14, 2004:

Topics discussed:

1. Introduction to Unix System
2. Using Emacs
3. Using gcc and make

Download ppt



Recitation 3, Jan 21, 2004:

Topics Discussed:

1. Advanced Sockets (download ppt )

2. Homework 1 Questions: Circuit Switching and Packet Switching, Transmission Delay concepts, Web caching etc.

Multi-person Chat server code ( c file ) ( doc file , color formatted )


The TCP Project

Important Handouts:


The Minet Technical Report

TCP Guides

RFC 793  (in convenient HTML format), RFC 1122

A very useful summary and picture of the TCP State diagram

TCP, UDP and IP pocket guide includes header details

Brief overview of TCP contains a nice summary of the essentials

Here is a page with nice TCP animations. They explain TCP connection startup, termination, data flow and flow control and cumulative ack concepts. Please see animations 20_1 to 20_5.

C++ Guides

A Brief C++ reference includes a good STL reference

Quick Introduction to C++ skips C part and covers C++ features like templates and virtual functions