import java.util.*; import*; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.TextArea; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.*; class param { public static final int datasize=1024; public static final int headersize=80; public static final int linkspeed=18; public static final int pdelay=3; public static final int intdelay=3; public static double droprate=0; public static double timeout=(2*(pdelay+intdelay)+2*(datasize+headersize)/linkspeed); public static final int delay_low=0; public static final int delay_high=(int)timeout/5; public static final int reportgap=(int)timeout*5; public static double th_th; } class ana { public static int datasent1=0; public static int headersent1=0; public static int datasent2=0; public static int headersent2=0; public static int delay1=0; public static int delay2=0; } class MyFrame extends Frame { TextArea t=null; MyFrame(String title) { super(title); setSize(300,300); t=new TextArea(); t.setBackground(Color.white); add(t); show(); //validate(true); } public void addtext(String s,Color c) { t.setForeground(c); t.appendText("\n"+s); } } /* class MyFrame extends JFrame { TextArea t=null; MyCan can; MyFrame(String title) { super(title); setSize(300,300); //t=new TextArea(); can=new MyCan(); JScrollPane s=new JScrollPane(can); getContentPane().add(s); //t.setBackground(Color.white) //add(t); show(); //validate(true); } public void addtext(String s,Color c) { //t.setForeground(c); //t.appendText("\n"+s); can.c=c; can.str=s; can.repaint(); can.y+=20; } } class MyCan extends Canvas { public Color c; public String str; int x,y; MyCan() { str=new String(""); x=5; y=3; } public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(c); g.drawString(str,x,y); } } */ public class a extends Thread { public synchronized static void main(String args[]) { if(args.length<2) { System.out.println("Usage : 1bit drop-probabilty timeoutfactor"); return; } param.droprate=Double.parseDouble(args[0]); param.timeout*=Double.parseDouble(args[1]); double bothrate=1.0-(double)(1.0-param.droprate)*2.0; param.th_th=((double)param.datasize*param.linkspeed)/ ( (bothrate/(1-bothrate)*(param.datasize+param.headersize+param.linkspeed*param.timeout)) + 2*(param.datasize+param.headersize+param.linkspeed*(param.pdelay+param.intdelay)) ); try{ PipedOutputStream s1out=new PipedOutputStream(); PipedInputStream c1in=new PipedInputStream(s1out); PipedOutputStream s2out=new PipedOutputStream(); PipedInputStream c2in=new PipedInputStream(s2out); PipedOutputStream c1out=new PipedOutputStream(); PipedInputStream s2in=new PipedInputStream(c1out); PipedOutputStream c2out=new PipedOutputStream(); PipedInputStream s1in=new PipedInputStream(c2out); MyFrame instrument=new MyFrame("Instrumentation"); MyFrame fr_pr=new MyFrame("Parameters"); fr_pr.addtext("Data size : " + param.datasize,; fr_pr.addtext("Overhead : " + param.headersize,; fr_pr.addtext("Link speed : " + param.linkspeed,; fr_pr.addtext("Propagation delay : " + param.pdelay,; fr_pr.addtext("Interrupt delay : " + param.intdelay,; fr_pr.addtext("Drop Rate : " + param.droprate,; fr_pr.addtext("Timer Value " + param.timeout,; fr_pr.addtext("Delay_low : " + param.delay_low,; fr_pr.addtext("Delay_high : " + param.delay_high,; //fr_pr.addtext("Theoretical Data Throughput : " + param.th_th,; // Construct Threads EventManager em=new EventManager(); SenderReceiver sender1=new SenderReceiver(s1out,s1in,em,1,true,instrument); SenderReceiver sender2=new SenderReceiver(s2out,s2in,em,2,false,instrument); Channel channel1=new Channel(c1out,c1in,em,2,sender1,instrument,fr_pr); Channel channel2=new Channel(c2out,c2in,em,1,sender2,instrument,fr_pr); channel1.start(); channel2.start(); sender1.start(); sender2.start(); channel1.interrupt(); channel2.interrupt(); sender1.interrupt(); sender2.interrupt(); } catch ( IOException e) { System.out.println("main ex : " + e); } } } class frame { public int seq,ack; public String info; public String header; public int size() { return 4+4+info.length()+header.length(); } public String toString() { return String.valueOf(seq)+"/" + String.valueOf(ack)+"/"+info+"/" +header; } public void restore(String s) { StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(s,"/"); seq=Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); ack=Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); info=st.nextToken(); header=st.nextToken(); } } class Event { int owner; int time; int type; public Event(int a,int b , int c) { owner=a; time=b; type =c; } public Event() {} public void display() { System.out.println("Event Owner : " + owner + " time : " + time + " type : " +type); } } class EventManager { int clock; int topclock; Event head; Vector EventList=new Vector(500,2); int count; EventManager() { count =0; clock=0; topclock=0; } public void updateClock() { clock=topclock; } public void display() { System.out.println("Event list start"); int i; for(i=0;i0) return 1; return 0; } } ); } public synchronized Event top() { if(count==0) return new Event(-1,1,1); Event e= (Event)EventList.elementAt(0); topclock=e.time; return e; } public synchronized Event extract() { Event r=(Event)EventList.remove(0); count--; clock=r.time; return r; } public synchronized void remove(Event e) { EventList.remove(e); count--; } } class Channel extends Thread { private DataOutputStream out; private DataInputStream in; EventManager eMan; frame f; int rid; SenderReceiver sr; MyFrame fr=null,fr_ins,fr_pr; int datasent=0,overheadsent=0; int lastclock=0; int packetssent=0; int packetsdropped= 0; int totaldelay=0; int lasttried=0; public Channel(OutputStream os,InputStream is,EventManager em,int rid,SenderReceiver sr,MyFrame fr_ins,MyFrame fr_pr) { try { out=new DataOutputStream(os); in=new DataInputStream(is); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Channel Exception"); } eMan=em; this.rid=rid;; fr=new MyFrame("Channel from Module " + ((rid==2) ? 1 : 2) + " to Module " + rid); this.fr_ins=fr_ins; this.fr_pr=fr_pr; } public void run() { //System.out.println("Start waiting"); //System.out.flush(); try{ while(!interrupted()) {} } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("channel exception : " + e); } while(true) { send(); } } private synchronized void send() { String s=null; try { if(in.available()>0) { s=in.readUTF(); } else { return; } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("channel exception : " + e); } //___Set Event for Sender String dropped=""; //__ decide if drop double dropp=Math.random(); if(droppparam.reportgap) { lastclock=eMan.clock; fr_pr.addtext(" ",; fr_pr.addtext("Channel to : " + rid + " Performance report ",; fr_pr.addtext("No. of packets sent : " + packetssent,; fr_pr.addtext("No. of packets dropped : " + packetsdropped,; fr_pr.addtext("Effective Throughput ( Including header ): " + (double)(datasent+overheadsent)/eMan.clock/param.linkspeed + " w/o header : " + (double)(datasent)/eMan.clock/param.linkspeed,; fr_pr.addtext("Effective delay : " + (double)totaldelay/packetssent,; fr_pr.addtext(" ",; } if(dropped.equals("")==false) { packetsdropped++; /*if(lasttried==0) { lasttried=eMan.clock+param.intdelay; }*/ } else { /* if(lasttried==0) { lasttried=eMan.clock+param.intdelay; }*/ eMan.add(e); out.writeUTF(s); //totaldelay+=e.time-lasttried; packetssent++; //datasent+=param.datasize; //overheadsent+=param.headersize; lasttried=0; out.flush(); } } catch(Exception ex){} sr.interrupt(); } private int calcDelay() { Random r=new Random(); return param.intdelay+param.pdelay+(param.datasize+param.headersize)/param.linkspeed+r.nextInt(param.delay_high-param.delay_low)+param.delay_low; } } class SenderReceiver extends Thread { private DataOutputStream out; private DataInputStream in; // private Channel outChannel; frame r,s; int next_frame_to_send,next_frame_expected; String buffer; EventManager eMan; Event oldtimer=null; int id; int timerDelay=7000; boolean later; MyFrame fr,fr_ins; MyFrame fr_net; int count=0; String prevdata; int potime=0; public SenderReceiver(OutputStream os,InputStream is,EventManager em,int i,boolean later,MyFrame fr_ins) { id=i; try{ out=new DataOutputStream(os); in=new DataInputStream(is); out.flush(); } catch(Exception e){} eMan=em; id=i; // this.outChannel=outChannel; fr=new MyFrame("Module No : " + id); fr_net=new MyFrame("Network Layer for Module " + id); this.fr_ins=fr_ins; this.later=later; } private void start_timer(int cl) { try { Event e=new Event(); e.type=2; e.owner=id; e.time=cl+(int)param.timeout; //System.out.println("Sender : " + id + " Setting timer at : " + e.time); //eMan.removetimer(id); if(oldtimer!=null) eMan.remove(oldtimer); //System.out.println("Adding timer at time : " + e.time); eMan.add(e); oldtimer=e; } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception : " + ex); } } private String from_network_layer() { count++; if(id==1) return "This is sentence " + count + "."; return "How are you " + count + ".?"; } private void to_network_layer(String s,int ptime) { System.out.println("Network layer... Received packet ! -- Sender : " + id + " Data : " + s); fr.addtext("Network layer... Received packet ! -- Sender : " + id + " Data : " + s,; fr_net.addtext("Network layer... Received packet ! -- Sender : " + id + " Data : " + s,; if(id==1) { ana.datasent1+=param.datasize; ana.headersent1+=param.headersize; ana.delay1=eMan.clock-ptime; } else { ana.datasent2+=param.datasize; ana.headersent2+=param.headersize; ana.delay2=eMan.clock-ptime; } } private synchronized frame from_physical_layer() { frame f=new frame(); try{ String s=in.readUTF(); f.restore(s); } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("phy ex" + e); } return f; } private void to_physical_layer(frame f) { try{ out.writeUTF(f.toString() ); out.flush(); // System.out.println("Data written out "); System.out.flush(); } catch(Exception e){ // System.out.println("phy later ex " + e); } try{ while(!interrupted()) {} } catch(Exception e) {} System.out.println("Sender : " + id + " Frame sent : " + f.toString()); System.out.flush(); fr.addtext( "Frame sent : " + f.toString(),; //outChannel.sent(); } public void run() { try{ while(!interrupted()) {} } catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("Sender wit erro : " + e); } next_frame_to_send=0; next_frame_expected=0; buffer=from_network_layer(); s=new frame();; s.seq=next_frame_to_send; s.ack=1-next_frame_expected; s.header=String.valueOf(param.intdelay); if(later) { //System.out.println("tophylayer: " + id); to_physical_layer(s); //System.out.println("starttimer " + id); start_timer(param.intdelay); } while(true) { try{ process_events();} catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private synchronized void process_events() { try { Event e;; if(e.owner!=id) return; eMan.updateClock(); if(e.type==1) //_Frame Arrival { r=from_physical_layer(); System.out.println("Sender : " + id + " Frame arrival event ! at " + e.time + " frame : " + r.toString()); fr.addtext("Sender : " + id + " Frame arrival event ! at " + e.time + " frame : " + r.toString(),; if(r.seq==next_frame_expected) { //if(r.seq!=nl_frame_exp) // fr_ins.addtext("Sender :" id + " Last two packets had same seq no. !"); //nl_frame_exp=1-nl_frame_exp; to_network_layer(,Integer.parseInt(r.header));; next_frame_expected=1-next_frame_expected; } else //__Re transmission { if( { fr_ins.addtext("Sender :" + id + " Last two packets had same seq no. but different data !",; } } if(r.ack==next_frame_to_send) { buffer=from_network_layer(); potime=eMan.clock; next_frame_to_send=1-next_frame_to_send; } } else { //eMan.display(); System.out.println("Sender : " + id + " Time out!"); fr.addtext( "Time out!",; //eMan.remove(e); } int cl=eMan.clock+param.intdelay;; s.seq=next_frame_to_send; s.ack=1-next_frame_expected; s.header=String.valueOf(potime); to_physical_layer(s); //System.out.println("Setting timer"); //System.out.flush(); start_timer(cl); //eMan.display(); if(e.type==1) eMan.remove(e); } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("Exception : " + ex); } } }