#| Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Christopher K. Riesbeck Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. |# ;;; Change Log ;;; ;;; 02/14/07: changed can-satisfy-hunger rules in *tiger-kb* [CKR] ;;; 03/21/06: changed tests to use init-kb [CKR] ;;; 03/05/05 Expanded documentation on Monkeys and Bananas [CKR] ;;; 03/05/05 Added Peano addition example [CKR] (defpackage #:retriever-tests (:use #:common-lisp #:lisp-unit #:retriever) ) (in-package :retriever-tests) ;;; Simple ancestry-type knowledge base. ;;; ;;; NOTE: This is a BAD set of rules. It's ;;; combinatorially explosive and produces ;;; many redundant answers. E.g., try ;;; ;;; (WITH-KB *HORSES-KB* (ASK '(HORSE ?X))) ;;; ;;; Can you fix this and still pass the tests? (defparameter *horses-kb* '( ;; x is ancestor of y if x is a parent or a parent of an ancestor (<- (ancestor ?x ?y) (parent ?x ?y)) (<- (ancestor ?x ?y) (parent ?x ?z) (ancestor ?z ?y)) ;; x is a horse if x is a descendant of a horse (<- (horse ?x) (ancestor ?y ?x) (horse ?y)) ;; some real horses, not all real relationships (<- (parent man-o-war war-admiral)) (<- (parent war-admiral seabiscuit)) (<- (parent seabiscuit kelso)) (<- (horse man-o-war)) )) (define-test horses (with-kb *horses-kb* (dolist (x '(man-o-war war-admiral seabiscuit kelso)) (assert-true (ask `(horse ,x)))) (assert-true (set-equal '(man-o-war war-admiral seabiscuit kelso) (ask '(horse ?x) '?x))) )) (defparameter *tiger-kb* '( (<- (can-satisfy-hunger-with ?x ?y) (eats ?x ?y) (can-bite ?x ?y)) (<- (eats ?y ?x) (predator-of ?x ?y)) (<- (can-bite ?x ?y) (isa ?x animal) (near ?x ?y)) (<- (near ?x ?y) (at ?x ?loc) (at ?y ?loc)) (<- (eats antelope grass)) (<- (eats antelope ferns)) (<- (predator-of antelope tiger)) (<- (predator-of zebra tiger)) (<- (at antelope savannah)) (<- (at tiger savannah)) (<- (at grass savannah)) (<- (isa tiger animal)) (<- (isa antelope animal)) )) (define-test tiger (with-kb *tiger-kb* (assert-true (ask '(at antelope savannah))) (assert-true (ask '(near antelope grass))) (assert-true (ask '(can-bite antelope grass))) (assert-true (ask '(can-satisfy-hunger-with antelope grass))) (assert-false (ask '(can-satisfy-hunger-with antelope ferns))) (assert-true (ask '(can-satisfy-hunger-with tiger antelope))) (assert-false (ask '(can-satisfy-hunger-with tiger grass))) (assert-false (ask '(can-bite grass antelope))) )) ;;; Addition, Peano style ;;; ;;; A simple example of using functional terms to represent ;;; constructed results. (defparameter *peano-kb* '( (<- (add 0 ?x ?x)) (<- (add (succ ?x) ?y (succ ?z)) (add ?x ?y ?z)) )) (define-test peano (with-kb *peano-kb* ;; 0 + 0 = 0 (assert-true (ask '(add 0 0 0) '?x)) ;; 0 + 1 = 1 (assert-true (ask '(add 0 (succ 0) (succ 0)))) ;; 1 + 0 = 1 (assert-true (ask '(add (succ 0) 0 (succ 0)))) ;; 2 + 2 = 4 (assert-true (ask '(add (succ (succ 0)) (succ (succ 0)) (succ (succ (succ (succ 0))))))) ;; 2 + 1 != 4 (assert-false (ask '(add (succ (succ 0)) (succ 0) (succ (succ (succ (succ 0))))))) ;; 0 + 0 => 0 (assert-equal '(0) (ask '(add 0 0 ?x) '?x)) ;; 0 + 1 => 1 (assert-equal '((succ 0)) (ask '(add 0 (succ 0) ?x) '?x)) ;; 1 + 0 => 1 (assert-equal '((succ 0)) (ask '(add (succ 0) 0 ?x) '?x)) ;; 2 + 2 => 4 (assert-equal '((succ (succ (succ (succ 0))))) (ask '(add (succ (succ 0)) (succ (succ 0)) ?x) '?x)) ;; 1 + x = 3 => x = 2, or 3 - 1 => 2 (assert-equal '((succ (succ 0))) (ask '(add (succ 0) ?x (succ (succ (succ 0)))) '?x)) ;; x + y = 3 => <3, 0>, <2, 1>, <1, 2>, <0, 3> (assert-equal '((0 (SUCC (SUCC (SUCC 0)))) ((SUCC 0) (SUCC (SUCC 0))) ((SUCC (SUCC 0)) (SUCC 0)) ((SUCC (SUCC (SUCC 0))) 0)) (ask '(add ?x ?y (succ (succ (succ 0)))) '(?x ?y))) )) ;;; APPEND, Prolog-style (defparameter *append-kb* '( (<- (append nil ?x ?x)) (<- (append (cons ?x ?l1) ?l2 (cons ?x ?l3)) (append ?l1 ?l2 ?l3)) )) (define-test append (with-kb *append-kb* (assert-equal '((cons a (cons b (cons c nil)))) (ask '(append (cons a (cons b nil)) (cons c nil) ?l) '?l)) (assert-equal '((cons c nil)) (ask '(append (cons a (cons b nil)) ?l (cons a (cons b (cons c nil)))) '?l)) (assert-equal '(nil (cons a nil) (cons a (cons b nil))) (ask '(append ?x ?y (cons a (cons b nil))) '?x)) )) ;;; This checks for a variable renaming bug that was in ;;; ddr.lisp for 20 years! I (defparameter *analogy-kb* '( (<- (analogous ?x ?y ?a ?b) (similar ?x ?a) (similar ?y ?b)) (<- (similar ?x ?x)) )) (define-test analogy (with-kb *analogy-kb* (assert-true (ask '(analogous a a a a))) (assert-true (ask '(analogous b b b b))) (assert-true (ask '(analogous a b a b))) (assert-equal '((analogous a b a b)) (ask '(analogous a b ?x ?y))) )) ;;; The Monkey and Bananas problem. ;;; ;;; This is a classic toy problem in AI. A monkey is ;;; in a room. Hanging out of reach in the center of ;;; the room are some bananas. In another part of the ;;; room is a box the monkey could stand on. Can the ;;; monkey get the bananas? ;;; ;;; The state of the world is represented by ;;; ;;; (STATE monkey-location box-location monkey-on) ;;; ;;; This is a functional term, NOT a predicate. It ;;; represents a state. It is not a claim about ;;; a state. It's equivalent to the noun phrase ;;; "the state in which the monkey is at ...," ;;; rather than the sentence "the monkey is at ..." ;;; ;;; A plan for getting the bananas is a sequence of ;;; actions, represented with the functional term ;;; (DO action plan). DONE is used to represent the ;;; empty plan with no actions. ;;; ;;; An action is either a simple name like CLIMB-BOX, ;;; for "the action of the monkey climbing on the box," ;;; or a functional term like (PUSH-BOX loc1 loc2) ;;; for "the action of the monkey pushing the box from ;;; loc1 to loc2." ;;; ;;; The goal predicate is (CAN-GET start-state plan) ;;; which says that the monkey can get the bananas by ;;; doing the given plan in the given starting state. ;;; ;;; The predicate is (RESULTS state1 action state2) ;;; which says that doing action in state1 results in ;;; state2. ;;; ;;; The predicate (AT object location) says the object ;;; is at the location. ;;; ;;; A normal query will give a starting state and a ;;; variable for the plan. The resulting value(s) for ;;; the plan variable, if any, say how the monkey can ;;; get the bananas. ;;; ;;; Because DDR finds all solutions, you have to make ;;; sure your rules do not generate an infinite number ;;; of answers. E.g., you could just write a rule that ;;; says that walking from loc1 to loc2 moves the monkey ;;; from loc1 to loc2. But this leads to generating ;;; going to the door, going to the window, going to the ;;; door, ... Pretty dumb for an AI. (defparameter *monkey-kb* '( ;; If the monkey and box are in the center of ;; the room and the monkey is on on the box, ;; then nothing more needs to be done to get the ;; bananas. (<- (can-get (state ?loc ?loc box) done) (at bananas ?loc)) ;; The monkey can get the bananas in state1 with ;; some sequence of actions, if the first action ;; leads from state1 to state2 and the monkey can ;; get the bananas in state2 by performing the ;; remaining actions. (<- (can-get ?state1 (do ?action ?steps)) (results ?state1 ?action ?state2) (can-get ?state2 ?steps)) ;; The monkey can climb on the box when they're ;; in the same location. ;; CAUTION: if you add climbing down, then you ;; need to constrain when the monkey should climb ;; on the box, to avoid an infinite number of ;; solutions. (<- (results (state ?loc ?loc floor) climb-box (state ?loc ?loc box))) ;; The monkey can push the box to where the ;; bananas are if the monkey and box are in one ;; place and the bananas are somewhere else. (<- (results (state ?loc1 ?loc1 floor) (push-box ?loc1 ?loc2) (state ?loc2 ?loc2 floor)) (at bananas ?loc2) (different ?loc1 ?loc2)) ;; The monkey can walk to where the box is ;; if theyre in different places. (<- (results (state ?mloc ?bloc floor) (walk ?mloc ?bloc) (state ?bloc ?bloc floor)) (different ?mloc ?bloc)) ;; Every location is different from every other ;; locations (<- (different window center)) (<- (different window door)) (<- (different center window)) (<- (different center door)) (<- (different door window)) (<- (different door center)) (<- (different box floor)) (<- (different floor box)) ;; The bananas are in the center of the room. (<- (at bananas center)) )) (define-test monkey (with-kb *monkey-kb* (assert-true (ask '(can-get (state center center box) ?steps))) (assert-true (ask '(can-get (state center center floor) ?steps))) (assert-true (ask '(can-get (state window window floor) ?steps))) (assert-true (ask '(can-get (state door window floor) ?steps))) (assert-false (ask '(can-get (state window window box) ?steps))) ))