;;; Modified to use with Allegro or acl-compat packages ;;; from portable-aserve #+allegro(sys:defpatch "phtml" 1 "parse-html close tag closes consecutive identical open tags." :type :system :post-loadable t) ;; copyright (c) 1986-2000 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA ;; ;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of ;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the AllegroServe ;; prequel found in license-allegroserve.txt. ;; ;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file ;; license-lgpl.txt that was distributed with this file. ;; If it is not present, you can access it from ;; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt (until superseded by a newer ;; version) or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, ;; Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;; ;; $Id: phtml.cl,v 2003/02/13 19:29:44 layer Exp $ ;; phtml.cl - parse html ;; Change Log ;; 08/10/13 - remove defpatch call, change references excl and ;; mp to their portable-aserve equivalents. ;; ;; 05/14/02 - add :parse-entities arg to parse-html. If true then ;; entities are converted to the character they represent. ;; ;; 02/05/01 symbols mapped to preferred case at runtime (as opposed to ;; a compile time macro determining the case mapping) ;; ;; 10/27/00 :callbacks arg now processed correctly for tags with no body ;; ;; 10/14/00 add first-pass member to tokenbuf structure; used to remove ;; multiple un-next-char calls in raw mode ;; removed :script from *in-line* (incorect and led to infinite loop) ;; char format reopen not done in :script and :style ;; fixed :table/:th tag-auto-close-stop typo ; do character entity stuff ; (defpackage net.html.parser (:use :lisp :clos #+allegro :excl #-allegro :acl-compat.excl) (:export #:phtml-internal #:parse-html)) (in-package :net.html.parser) (defmacro tag-auto-close (tag) `(get ,tag 'tag-auto-close)) (defmacro tag-auto-close-stop (tag) `(get ,tag 'tag-auto-close-stop)) (defmacro tag-no-end (tag) `(get ,tag 'tag-no-end)) ; only subelements allowed in this element, no strings (defmacro tag-no-pcdata (tag) `(get ,tag 'tag-no-pcdata)) ;; given :foo or (:foo ...) return :foo (defmacro tag-name (expr) `(let ((.xx. ,expr)) (if* (consp .xx.) then (car .xx.) else .xx.))) (eval-when (compile load eval) (defconstant state-pcdata 0) ; scanning for chars or a tag (defconstant state-readtagfirst 1) (defconstant state-readtag 2) (defconstant state-findattribname 3) (defconstant state-attribname 4) (defconstant state-attribstartvalue 5) (defconstant state-attribvaluedelim 6) (defconstant state-attribvaluenodelim 7) (defconstant state-readcomment 8) (defconstant state-readcomment-one 9) (defconstant state-readcomment-two 10) (defconstant state-findvalue 11) (defconstant state-rawdata 12) ) (defstruct collector next ; next index to set max ; 1+max index to set data ; string vector ) ;; keep a cache of collectors on this list (defparameter *collectors* (list nil nil nil nil)) (defun get-collector () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (let (col) (#+allegro mp:without-scheduling #-allegro acl-compat.mp:without-scheduling (do* ((cols *collectors* (cdr cols)) (this (car cols) (car cols))) ((null cols)) (if* this then (setf (car cols) nil) (setq col this) (return)))) (if* col then (setf (collector-next col) 0) col else (make-collector :next 0 :max 100 :data (make-string 100))))) (defun put-back-collector (col) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (#+allegro mp:without-scheduling #-allegro acl-compat.mp:without-scheduling (do ((cols *collectors* (cdr cols))) ((null cols) ; toss it away nil) (if* (null (car cols)) then (setf (car cols) col) (return))))) (defun grow-and-add (coll ch) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) ;; increase the size of the data portion of the collector and then ;; add the given char at the end (let* ((odata (collector-data coll)) (ndata (make-string (* 2 (length odata))))) (dotimes (i (length odata)) (setf (schar ndata i) (schar odata i))) (setf (collector-data coll) ndata) (setf (collector-max coll) (length ndata)) (let ((next (collector-next coll))) (setf (schar ndata next) ch) (setf (collector-next coll) (1+ next))))) ;; character characteristics (defconstant char-tagcharacter 1) ; valid char for a tag (defconstant char-attribnamechar 2) ; valid char for an attribute name (defconstant char-attribundelimattribvalue 4) ; valid for undelimited value (defconstant char-spacechar 8) (defparameter *characteristics* ;; array of bits describing character characteristics (let ((arr (make-array 128 :initial-element 0))) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (macrolet ((with-range ((var from to) &rest body) `(do ((,var (char-code ,from) (1+ ,var)) (mmax (char-code ,to))) ((> ,var mmax)) ,@body)) (addit (index charistic) `(setf (svref arr ,index) (logior (svref arr ,index) ,charistic))) ) (with-range (i #\A #\Z) (addit i (+ char-tagcharacter char-attribnamechar char-attribundelimattribvalue))) (with-range (i #\a #\z) (addit i (+ char-tagcharacter char-attribnamechar char-attribundelimattribvalue))) (with-range (i #\0 #\9) (addit i (+ char-tagcharacter char-attribnamechar char-attribundelimattribvalue))) ;; let colon be legal tag character (addit (char-code #\:) (+ char-attribnamechar char-tagcharacter)) ;; NY times special tags have _ (addit (char-code #\_) (+ char-attribnamechar char-tagcharacter)) ; now the unusual cases (addit (char-code #\-) (+ char-attribnamechar char-attribundelimattribvalue)) (addit (char-code #\.) (+ char-attribnamechar char-attribundelimattribvalue)) ;; adding all typeable chars except for whitespace and > (addit (char-code #\:) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\@) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\/) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\!) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\#) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\$) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\%) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\^) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\&) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\() char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\)) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\_) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\=) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\+) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\\) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\|) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\{) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\}) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\[) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\]) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\;) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\') char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\") char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\,) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\<) char-attribundelimattribvalue) (addit (char-code #\?) char-attribundelimattribvalue) ; i'm not sure what can be in a tag name but we know that ; ! and - must be there since it's used in comments (addit (char-code #\-) char-tagcharacter) (addit (char-code #\!) char-tagcharacter) ; spaces (addit (char-code #\space) char-spacechar) (addit (char-code #\tab) char-spacechar) (addit (char-code #\return) char-spacechar) (addit (char-code #\linefeed) char-spacechar) ) arr)) (defun char-characteristic (char bit) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) ;; return true if the given char has the given bit set in ;; the characteristic array (let ((code (char-code char))) (if* (<= 0 code 127) then ; in range (not (zerop (logand (svref *characteristics* code) bit)))))) (defvar *html-entity-to-code* (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) (dolist (ent '(("nbsp" . 160) ("iexcl" . 161) ("cent" . 162) ("pound" . 163) ("curren" . 164) ("yen" . 165) ("brvbar" . 166) ("sect" . 167) ("uml" . 168) ("copy" . 169) ("ordf" . 170) ("laquo" . 171) ("not" . 172) ("shy" . 173) ("reg" . 174) ("macr" . 175) ("deg" . 176) ("plusmn" . 177) ("sup2" . 178) ("sup3" . 179) ("acute" . 180) ("micro" . 181) ("para" . 182) ("middot" . 183) ("cedil" . 184) ("sup1" . 185) ("ordm" . 186) ("raquo" . 187) ("frac14" . 188) ("frac12" . 189) ("frac34" . 190) ("iquest" . 191) ("Agrave" . 192) ("Aacute" . 193) ("Acirc" . 194) ("Atilde" . 195) ("Auml" . 196) ("Aring" . 197) ("AElig" . 198) ("Ccedil" . 199) ("Egrave" . 200) ("Eacute" . 201) ("Ecirc" . 202) ("Euml" . 203) ("Igrave" . 204) ("Iacute" . 205) ("Icirc" . 206) ("Iuml" . 207) ("ETH" . 208) ("Ntilde" . 209) ("Ograve" . 210) ("Oacute" . 211) ("Ocirc" . 212) ("Otilde" . 213) ("Ouml" . 214) ("times" . 215) ("Oslash" . 216) ("Ugrave" . 217) ("Uacute" . 218) ("Ucirc" . 219) ("Uuml" . 220) ("Yacute" . 221) ("THORN" . 222) ("szlig" . 223) ("agrave" . 224) ("aacute" . 225) ("acirc" . 226) ("atilde" . 227) ("auml" . 228) ("aring" . 229) ("aelig" . 230) ("ccedil" . 231) ("egrave" . 232) ("eacute" . 233) ("ecirc" . 234) ("euml" . 235) ("igrave" . 236) ("iacute" . 237) ("icirc" . 238) ("iuml" . 239) ("eth" . 240) ("ntilde" . 241) ("ograve" . 242) ("oacute" . 243) ("ocirc" . 244) ("otilde" . 245) ("ouml" . 246) ("divide" . 247) ("oslash" . 248) ("ugrave" . 249) ("uacute" . 250) ("ucirc" . 251) ("uuml" . 252) ("yacute" . 253) ("thorn" . 254) ("yuml" . 255) ("fnof" . 402) ("Alpha" . 913) ("Beta" . 914) ("Gamma" . 915) ("Delta" . 916) ("Epsilon" . 917) ("Zeta" . 918) ("Eta" . 919) ("Theta" . 920) ("Iota" . 921) ("Kappa" . 922) ("Lambda" . 923) ("Mu" . 924) ("Nu" . 925) ("Xi" . 926) ("Omicron" . 927) ("Pi" . 928) ("Rho" . 929) ("Sigma" . 931) ("Tau" . 932) ("Upsilon" . 933) ("Phi" . 934) ("Chi" . 935) ("Psi" . 936) ("Omega" . 937) ("alpha" . 945) ("beta" . 946) ("gamma" . 947) ("delta" . 948) ("epsilon" . 949) ("zeta" . 950) ("eta" . 951) ("theta" . 952) ("iota" . 953) ("kappa" . 954) ("lambda" . 955) ("mu" . 956) ("nu" . 957) ("xi" . 958) ("omicron" . 959) ("pi" . 960) ("rho" . 961) ("sigmaf" . 962) ("sigma" . 963) ("tau" . 964) ("upsilon" . 965) ("phi" . 966) ("chi" . 967) ("psi" . 968) ("omega" . 969) ("thetasym" . 977) ("upsih" . 978) ("piv" . 982) ("bull" . 8226) ("hellip" . 8230) ("prime" . 8242) ("Prime" . 8243) ("oline" . 8254) ("frasl" . 8260) ("weierp" . 8472) ("image" . 8465) ("real" . 8476) ("trade" . 8482) ("alefsym" . 8501) ("larr" . 8592) ("uarr" . 8593) ("rarr" . 8594) ("darr" . 8595) ("harr" . 8596) ("crarr" . 8629) ("lArr" . 8656) ("uArr" . 8657) ("rArr" . 8658) ("dArr" . 8659) ("hArr" . 8660) ("forall" . 8704) ("part" . 8706) ("exist" . 8707) ("empty" . 8709) ("nabla" . 8711) ("isin" . 8712) ("notin" . 8713) ("ni" . 8715) ("prod" . 8719) ("sum" . 8721) ("minus" . 8722) ("lowast" . 8727) ("radic" . 8730) ("prop" . 8733) ("infin" . 8734) ("ang" . 8736) ("and" . 8743) ("or" . 8744) ("cap" . 8745) ("cup" . 8746) ("int" . 8747) ("there4" . 8756) ("sim" . 8764) ("cong" . 8773) ("asymp" . 8776) ("ne" . 8800) ("equiv" . 8801) ("le" . 8804) ("ge" . 8805) ("sub" . 8834) ("sup" . 8835) ("nsub" . 8836) ("sube" . 8838) ("supe" . 8839) ("oplus" . 8853) ("otimes" . 8855) ("perp" . 8869) ("sdot" . 8901) ("lceil" . 8968) ("rceil" . 8969) ("lfloor" . 8970) ("rfloor" . 8971) ("lang" . 9001) ("rang" . 9002) ("loz" . 9674) ("spades" . 9824) ("clubs" . 9827) ("hearts" . 9829) ("diams" . 9830) ("quot" . 34) ("amp" . 38) ("lt" . 60) ("gt" . 62) ("OElig" . 338) ("oelig" . 339) ("Scaron" . 352) ("scaron" . 353) ("Yuml" . 376) ("circ" . 710) ("tilde" . 732) ("ensp" . 8194) ("emsp" . 8195) ("thinsp" . 8201) ("zwnj" . 8204) ("zwj" . 8205) ("lrm" . 8206) ("rlm" . 8207) ("ndash" . 8211) ("mdash" . 8212) ("lsquo" . 8216) ("rsquo" . 8217) ("sbquo" . 8218) ("ldquo" . 8220) ("rdquo" . 8221) ("bdquo" . 8222) ("dagger" . 8224) ("Dagger" . 8225) ("permil" . 8240) ("lsaquo" . 8249) ("rsaquo" . 8250) ("euro" . 8364) )) (setf (gethash (car ent) table) (cdr ent))) table)) (defstruct tokenbuf cur ;; next index to use to grab from tokenbuf max ;; index one beyond last character data ;; character array first-pass ;; previously parsed tokens ) ;; cache of tokenbuf structs (defparameter *tokenbufs* (list nil nil nil nil)) (defun get-tokenbuf () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (let (buf) (#+allegro mp:without-scheduling #-allegro acl-compat.mp:without-scheduling (do* ((bufs *tokenbufs* (cdr bufs)) (this (car bufs) (car bufs))) ((null bufs)) (if* this then (setf (car bufs) nil) (setq buf this) (return)))) (if* buf then (setf (tokenbuf-cur buf) 0) (setf (tokenbuf-max buf) 0) buf else (make-tokenbuf :cur 0 :max 0 :data (make-array 1024 :element-type 'character))))) (defun put-back-tokenbuf (buf) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (#+allegro mp:without-scheduling #-allegro acl-compat.mp:without-scheduling (do ((bufs *tokenbufs* (cdr bufs))) ((null bufs) ; toss it away nil) (if* (null (car bufs)) then (setf (car bufs) buf) (return))))) (defun to-preferred-case (ch) (if* (eq *current-case-mode* :CASE-INSENSITIVE-UPPER) then (char-upcase ch) else (char-downcase ch))) (defun next-token (stream ignore-strings raw-mode-delimiter read-sequence-func tokenbuf parse-entities) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) ;; return two values: ;; the next token from the stream. ;; the kind of token (:pcdata, :start-tag, :end-tag, :eof) ;; ;; if read-sequence-func is non-nil, ;; read-sequence-func is called to fetch the next character (macrolet ((next-char (stream) `(let ((cur (tokenbuf-cur tokenbuf)) (tb (tokenbuf-data tokenbuf))) (if* (>= cur (tokenbuf-max tokenbuf)) then ; fill buffer (if* (zerop (setf (tokenbuf-max tokenbuf) (if* read-sequence-func then (funcall read-sequence-func tb stream) else (read-sequence tb stream)))) then (setq cur nil) ; eof else (setq cur 0))) (if* cur then (prog1 (schar tb cur) (setf (tokenbuf-cur tokenbuf) (1+ cur)))))) (un-next-char (stream ch) `(decf (tokenbuf-cur tokenbuf))) (clear-coll (coll) `(setf (collector-next coll) 0)) (add-to-coll (coll ch) `(let ((.next. (collector-next ,coll))) (if* (>= .next. (collector-max ,coll)) then (grow-and-add ,coll ,ch) else (setf (schar (collector-data ,coll) .next.) ,ch) (setf (collector-next ,coll) (1+ .next.))))) ) (let ((state (if* raw-mode-delimiter then state-rawdata else state-pcdata)) (coll (get-collector)) (ch) (value-delim) (tag-to-return) (attribs-to-return) (end-tag) (attrib-name) (attrib-value) (name-length 0) ;; count only when it could be a comment (raw-length 0) (xml-bailout) ) (loop (setq ch (next-char stream)) ;;(format t "ch: ~s state: ~s~%" ch state) (if* (null ch) then (return) ; eof -- exit loop ) (case state (#.state-pcdata ; collect everything until we see a < (if* (eq ch #\<) then ; if we've collected nothing then get a tag (if* (> (collector-next coll) 0) then ; have collected something, return this string (un-next-char stream ch) ; push back the < (return) else ; collect a tag (setq state state-readtagfirst)) elseif (and parse-entities (eq ch #\&)) then ; reading an entity. entity ends at semicolon (let (res (max 10)) (loop (let ((ch (next-char stream))) (if* (null ch) then (error "End of file after & entity marker") elseif (eq ch #\;) then (return) elseif (zerop (decf max)) then (error "No semicolon found after entity starting: &~{~a~}" (nreverse res)) else (push ch res)))) (setq res (nreverse res)) (if* (eq (car res) #\#) then ; decimal entity (let ((count 0)) (dolist (ch (cdr res)) (let ((code (char-code ch))) (if* (<= #.(char-code #\0) code #.(char-code #\9)) then (setq count (+ (* 10 count) (- code #.(char-code #\0)))) else (error "non decimal digit after &# - ~s" ch) ))) (add-to-coll coll (code-char count))) else (let ((name (make-array (length res) :element-type 'character :initial-contents res))) (let ((ch (gethash name *html-entity-to-code*))) (if* ch then (add-to-coll coll (code-char ch)) else (error "No such entity as ~s" name)))))) else ; we will check for & here eventually (if* (not (eq ch #\return)) then (add-to-coll coll ch)))) (#.state-readtagfirst ; starting to read a tag name (if* (eq #\/ ch) then ; end tag (setq end-tag t) else (if* (eq #\! ch) ; possible comment then (setf xml-bailout t) (setq name-length 0)) (un-next-char stream ch)) (setq state state-readtag)) (#.state-readtag ;; reading the whole tag name (if* (char-characteristic ch char-tagcharacter) then (add-to-coll coll (to-preferred-case ch)) (incf name-length) (if* (and (eq name-length 3) (coll-has-comment coll)) then (clear-coll coll) (setq state state-readcomment)) else (setq tag-to-return (compute-tag coll)) (clear-coll coll) (if* (eq ch #\>) then (return) ; we're done elseif xml-bailout then (un-next-char stream ch) (return) else (if* (eq tag-to-return :!--) then ; a comment (setq state state-readcomment) else (un-next-char stream ch) (setq state state-findattribname))))) (#.state-findattribname ;; search until we find the start of an attribute name ;; or the end of the tag (if* (eq ch #\>) then ; end of the line (return) elseif (eq ch #\=) then ; value for previous attribute name ; (syntax "foo = bar" is bogus I think but it's ; used some places, here is where we handle this (pop attribs-to-return) (setq attrib-name (pop attribs-to-return)) (setq state state-findvalue) elseif (char-characteristic ch char-attribnamechar) then (un-next-char stream ch) (setq state state-attribname) else nil ; ignore other things )) (#.state-findvalue ;; find the start of the value (if* (char-characteristic ch char-spacechar) thenret ; keep looking elseif (eq ch #\>) then ; no value, set the value to be the ; name as a string (setq attrib-value (string-downcase (string attrib-name))) (push attrib-name attribs-to-return) (push attrib-value attribs-to-return) (un-next-char stream ch) (setq state state-findattribname) else (un-next-char stream ch) (setq state state-attribstartvalue))) (#.state-attribname ;; collect attribute name (if* (char-characteristic ch char-attribnamechar) then (add-to-coll coll (to-preferred-case ch)) elseif (eq #\= ch) then ; end of attribute name, value is next (setq attrib-name (compute-tag coll)) (clear-coll coll) (setq state state-attribstartvalue) else ; end of attribute name with no value, (setq attrib-name (compute-tag coll)) (clear-coll coll) (setq attrib-value (string-downcase (string attrib-name))) (push attrib-name attribs-to-return) (push attrib-value attribs-to-return) (un-next-char stream ch) (setq state state-findattribname))) (#.state-attribstartvalue ;; begin to collect value (if* (or (eq ch #\") (eq ch #\')) then (setq value-delim ch) (setq state state-attribvaluedelim) ;; gobble spaces; assume since we've seen a '=' there really is a value elseif (eq #\space ch) then nil else (un-next-char stream ch) (setq state state-attribvaluenodelim))) (#.state-attribvaluedelim (if* (eq ch value-delim) then (setq attrib-value (compute-coll-string coll)) (clear-coll coll) (push attrib-name attribs-to-return) (push attrib-value attribs-to-return) (setq state state-findattribname) else (add-to-coll coll ch))) (#.state-attribvaluenodelim ;; an attribute value not delimited by ' or " and thus restricted ;; in the possible characters (if* (char-characteristic ch char-attribundelimattribvalue) then (add-to-coll coll ch) else (un-next-char stream ch) (setq attrib-value (compute-coll-string coll)) (clear-coll coll) (push attrib-name attribs-to-return) (push attrib-value attribs-to-return) (setq state state-findattribname))) (#.state-readcomment ;; a comment ends on the first --, but we'll look for --> ;; since that's what most people expect (if* (eq ch #\-) then (setq state state-readcomment-one) else (add-to-coll coll ch))) (#.state-readcomment-one ;; seen one -, looking for -> (if* (eq ch #\-) then (setq state state-readcomment-two) else ; not a comment end, put back the -'s (add-to-coll coll #\-) (add-to-coll coll ch) (setq state state-readcomment))) (#.state-readcomment-two ;; seen two -'s, looking for > (if* (eq ch #\>) then ; end of the line (return) elseif (eq ch #\-) then ; still at two -'s, have to put out first (add-to-coll coll #\-) else ; put out two hypens and back to looking for a hypen (add-to-coll coll #\-) (add-to-coll coll #\-) (setq state state-readcomment))) (#.state-rawdata ;; collect everything until we see the delimiter (if* (eq (to-preferred-case ch) (elt raw-mode-delimiter raw-length)) then (incf raw-length) (when (= raw-length (length raw-mode-delimiter)) ;; push the end tag back so it can then be lexed ;; but don't do it for xml stuff (when (/= (length raw-mode-delimiter) 1) (push :end-tag (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)) (if* (equal raw-mode-delimiter "") then (push :STYLE (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)) elseif (equal raw-mode-delimiter "") then (push :style (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)) elseif (equal raw-mode-delimiter "") then (push :SCRIPT (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)) elseif (equal raw-mode-delimiter "") then (push :script (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)) else (error "unexpected raw-mode-delimiter")) ) ;; set state to state-pcdata for next section (return)) else ;; push partial matches into data string (dotimes (i raw-length) (add-to-coll coll (elt raw-mode-delimiter i))) (setf raw-length 0) (add-to-coll coll ch))) )) ;; out of the loop. ;; if we're in certain states then it means we should return a value ;; (case state ((#.state-pcdata #.state-rawdata) ;; return the buffer as a string (if* (zerop (collector-next coll)) then (values nil (if (eq state state-pcdata) :eof :pcdata)) else (values (prog1 (if* (null ignore-strings) then (compute-coll-string coll)) (put-back-collector coll)) :pcdata))) (#.state-readtag (when (null tag-to-return) (error "unexpected end of input encountered")) ;; we've read a tag with no attributes (put-back-collector coll) (values tag-to-return (if* end-tag then :end-tag else (if* xml-bailout then :xml else :start-tag)) )) (#.state-findattribname ;; returning a tag with possible attributes (put-back-collector coll) (if* end-tag then ; ignore any attributes (values tag-to-return :end-tag) elseif attribs-to-return then (values (cons tag-to-return (nreverse attribs-to-return)) :start-tag) else (values tag-to-return :start-tag))) (#.state-readcomment-two ;; returning a comment (values (prog1 (if* (null ignore-strings) then (compute-coll-string coll)) (put-back-collector coll)) :comment)) (t (if* (null ch) then (error "unexpected end of input encountered") else (error "internal error, can't be here in state ~d" state))))))) (defvar *kwd-package* (find-package :keyword)) (defun compute-tag (coll) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) ;; compute the symbol named by what's in the collector (intern* (collector-data coll) (collector-next coll) *kwd-package*)) (defun compute-coll-string (coll) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) ;; return the string that's in the collection (let ((str (make-string (collector-next coll))) (from (collector-data coll))) (dotimes (i (collector-next coll)) (setf (schar str i) (schar from i))) str)) (defun coll-has-comment (coll) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) ;; true if the collector has exactly "!--" in it (and (eq 3 (collector-next coll)) (let ((data (collector-data coll))) (and (eq #\! (schar data 0)) (eq #\- (schar data 1)) (eq #\- (schar data 2)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;; quick and dirty parse ; the elements with no body and thus no end tag (dolist (opt '(:area :base :basefont :bgsound :br :button :col ;;:colgroup - no, this is an element with contents :embed :hr :img :frame :input :isindex :keygen :link :meta :plaintext :spacer :wbr)) (setf (tag-no-end opt) t)) (defvar *in-line* '(:tt :i :b :big :small :em :strong :dfn :code :samp :kbd :var :cite :abbr :acronym :a :img :object :br :map :q :sub :sup :span :bdo :input :select :textarea :label :button :font)) (defvar *ch-format* '(:i :b :tt :big :small :strike :s :u :em :strong :font)) (defvar *known-tags* '(:!doctype :a :acronym :address :applet :area :b :base :basefont :bdo :bgsound :big :blink :blockquote :body :br :button :caption :center :cite :code :col :colgroup :comment :dd :del :dfn :dir :div :dl :dt :em :embed :fieldset :font :form :frame :frameset :h1 :h2 :h3 :h4 :h5 :h6 :head :hr :html :i :iframe :img :input :ins :isindex :kbd :label :layer :legend :li :link :listing :map :marquee :menu :meta :multicol :nobr :noframes :noscript :object :ol :option :p :param :plaintext :pre :q :samp :script :select :small :spacer :span :s :strike :strong :style :sub :sup :table :tbody :td :textarea :tfoot :th :thead :title :tr :tt :u :ul :var :wbr :xmp)) ; the elements whose start tag can end a previous tag (setf (tag-auto-close :tr) '(:tr :td :th :colgroup)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :tr) '(:table)) (setf (tag-auto-close :td) '(:td :th)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :td) '(:table)) (setf (tag-auto-close :th) '(:td :th)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :th) '(:table)) (setf (tag-auto-close :dt) '(:dt :dd)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :dt) '(:dl)) (setf (tag-auto-close :li) '(:li)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :li) '(:ul :ol)) ;; new stuff to close off tags with optional close tags (setf (tag-auto-close :address) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :blockquote) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :body) '(:body :frameset :head)) (setf (tag-auto-close :dd) '(:dd :dt)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :dd) '(:dl)) (setf (tag-auto-close :dl) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :div) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :fieldset) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :form) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :frameset) '(:body :frameset :head)) (setf (tag-auto-close :hr) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :h1) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :h2) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :h3) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :h4) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :h5) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :h6) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :noscript) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :ol) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :option) '(:option)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :option) '(:select)) (setf (tag-auto-close :p) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :pre) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :table) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-auto-close :tbody) '(:colgroup :tfoot :tbody :thead)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :tbody) '(:table)) (setf (tag-auto-close :tfoot) '(:colgroup :tfoot :tbody :thead)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :tfoot) '(:table)) (setf (tag-auto-close :thead) '(:colgroup :tfoot :tbody :thead)) (setf (tag-auto-close-stop :thead) '(:table)) (setf (tag-auto-close :ul) '(:head :p)) (setf (tag-no-pcdata :table) t) (setf (tag-no-pcdata :tr) t) (defmethod parse-html ((p stream) &key callback-only callbacks collect-rogue-tags no-body-tags parse-entities) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (phtml-internal p nil callback-only callbacks collect-rogue-tags no-body-tags parse-entities)) (defmacro tag-callback (tag) `(rest (assoc ,tag callbacks))) (defun phtml-internal (p read-sequence-func callback-only callbacks collect-rogue-tags no-body-tags parse-entities) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (let ((raw-mode-delimiter nil) (pending nil) (current-tag :start-parse) (last-tag :start-parse) (current-callback-tags nil) (pending-ch-format nil) (closed-pending-ch-format nil) (new-opens nil) (tokenbuf (get-tokenbuf)) (guts) (rogue-tags) ) (labels ((close-off-tags (name stop-at collect-rogues once-only) ;; close off an open 'name' tag, but search no further ;; than a 'stop-at' tag. #+ignore (format t "close off name ~s, stop at ~s, ct ~s~%" name stop-at current-tag) (if* (member (tag-name current-tag) name :test #'eq) then ;; close current tag(s) (loop (when (and collect-rogues (not (member (tag-name current-tag) *known-tags*))) (push (tag-name current-tag) rogue-tags)) (close-current-tag) (if* (or once-only (member (tag-name current-tag) *ch-format*) (not (member (tag-name current-tag) name :test #'eq))) then (return))) elseif (member (tag-name current-tag) stop-at :test #'eq) then nil else ; search if there is a tag to close (dolist (ent pending) (if* (member (tag-name (car ent)) name :test #'eq) then ; found one to close (loop (when (and collect-rogues (not (member (tag-name current-tag) *known-tags*))) (push (tag-name current-tag) rogue-tags)) (close-current-tag) (if* (member (tag-name current-tag) name :test #'eq) then (close-current-tag) (return))) (return) elseif (member (tag-name (car ent)) stop-at :test #'eq) then (return) ;; do nothing )))) (close-current-tag () ;; close off the current tag and open the pending tag (when (member (tag-name current-tag) *ch-format* :test #'eq) (push current-tag closed-pending-ch-format) ) (let (element) (if* (tag-no-pcdata (tag-name current-tag)) then (setq element `(,current-tag ,@(strip-rev-pcdata guts))) else (setq element `(,current-tag ,@(nreverse guts)))) (let ((callback (tag-callback (tag-name current-tag)))) (when callback (setf current-callback-tags (rest current-callback-tags)) (funcall callback element))) (let* ((prev (pop pending))) (setq current-tag (car prev) guts (cdr prev)) (push element guts)))) (save-state () ;; push the current tag state since we're starting: ;; a new open tag (push (cons current-tag guts) pending) #+ignore (format t "state saved, pending ~s~%" pending) ) (strip-rev-pcdata (stuff) ;; reverse the list stuff, omitting all the strings (let (res) (dolist (st stuff) (if* (not (stringp st)) then (push st res))) res)) (check-in-line (check-tag) (setf new-opens nil) (let (val kind (i 0) (length (length (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)))) (loop (if* (< i length) then (setf val (nth i (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf))) (setf kind (nth (+ i 1) (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf))) (setf i (+ i 2)) (if* (= i length) then (setf (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf) (nreverse (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)))) else (multiple-value-setq (val kind) (get-next-token t)) (push val (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)) (push kind (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)) ) (when (eq kind :eof) (if* (= i length) then (setf (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf) (nreverse (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)))) (return)) (when (and (eq val check-tag) (eq kind :end-tag)) (if* (= i length) then (setf (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf) (nreverse (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)))) (return)) (when (member val *ch-format* :test #'eq) (if* (eq kind :start-tag) then (push val new-opens) elseif (member val new-opens :test #'eq) then (setf new-opens (remove val new-opens :count 1)) else (close-off-tags (list val) nil nil nil) ))))) (get-next-token (force) (if* (or force (null (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf))) then (multiple-value-bind (val kind) (next-token p nil raw-mode-delimiter read-sequence-func tokenbuf parse-entities) (values val kind)) else (let ((val (first (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf))) (kind (second (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)))) (setf (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf) (rest (rest (tokenbuf-first-pass tokenbuf)))) (values val kind)))) ) (loop (multiple-value-bind (val kind) (get-next-token nil) #+ignore (format t "val: ~s kind: ~s last-tag ~s pending ~s~%" val kind last-tag pending) (case kind (:pcdata (when (or (and callback-only current-callback-tags) (not callback-only)) (if* (member last-tag *in-line*) then (push val guts) else (when (dotimes (i (length val) nil) (when (not (char-characteristic (elt val i) char-spacechar)) (return t))) (push val guts)))) (when (and (= (length raw-mode-delimiter) 1) ;; xml tag... (or (and callback-only current-callback-tags) (not callback-only))) (close-off-tags (list last-tag) nil nil t)) (setf raw-mode-delimiter nil) ) (:xml (setf last-tag val) (setf raw-mode-delimiter ">") (let* ((name (tag-name val))) (when (and callback-only (tag-callback name)) (push name current-callback-tags)) (save-state) (setq current-tag val) (setq guts nil) )) (:start-tag (setf last-tag val) (if* (or (eq last-tag :style) (and (listp last-tag) (eq (first last-tag) :style))) then (setf raw-mode-delimiter (if* (eq *current-case-mode* :CASE-INSENSITIVE-UPPER) then "" else "")) elseif (or (eq last-tag :script) (and (listp last-tag) (eq (first last-tag) :script))) then (setf raw-mode-delimiter (if* (eq *current-case-mode* :CASE-INSENSITIVE-UPPER) then "" else ""))) ; maybe this is an end tag too (let* ((name (tag-name val)) (auto-close (tag-auto-close name)) (auto-close-stop nil) (no-end (or (tag-no-end name) (member name no-body-tags)))) (when (and callback-only (tag-callback name)) (push name current-callback-tags)) (when (or (and callback-only current-callback-tags) (not callback-only)) (if* auto-close then (setq auto-close-stop (tag-auto-close-stop name)) (close-off-tags auto-close auto-close-stop nil nil)) (when (and pending-ch-format (not no-end)) (if* (member name *ch-format* :test #'eq) then nil elseif (member name *in-line* :test #'eq) then ;; close off only tags that are within *in-line* block (check-in-line name) else ;; close ALL pending char tags and then reopen (dolist (this-tag (reverse pending-ch-format)) (close-off-tags (list (if (listp this-tag) (first this-tag) this-tag)) nil nil nil)) )) (if* no-end then ; this is a singleton tag (let ((callback (tag-callback (tag-name (if* (atom val) then val else (first val)))))) (when callback (funcall callback (if* (atom val) then val else (list val))))) (push (if* (atom val) then val else (list val)) guts) else (save-state) (setq current-tag val) (setq guts nil)) (if* (member name *ch-format* :test #'eq) then (push val pending-ch-format) else (when (not (or (eq last-tag :style) (and (listp last-tag) (eq (first last-tag) :style)) (eq last-tag :script) (and (listp last-tag) (eq (first last-tag) :script)))) (dolist (tmp (reverse closed-pending-ch-format)) (save-state) (setf current-tag tmp) (setf guts nil))) ) (when (not (or (eq last-tag :style) (and (listp last-tag) (eq (first last-tag) :style)) (eq last-tag :script) (and (listp last-tag) (eq (first last-tag) :script)))) (setf closed-pending-ch-format nil)) ))) (:end-tag (setf raw-mode-delimiter nil) (when (or (and callback-only current-callback-tags) (not callback-only)) (close-off-tags (list val) nil nil t) (when (member val *ch-format* :test #'eq) (setf pending-ch-format (remove val pending-ch-format :count 1 :test #'(lambda (x y) (eq x (if (listp y) (first y) y))))) (setf closed-pending-ch-format (remove val closed-pending-ch-format :count 1 :test #'(lambda (x y) (eq x (if (listp y) (first y) y))))) ) (dolist (tmp (reverse closed-pending-ch-format)) (save-state) (setf current-tag tmp) (setf guts nil)) (setf closed-pending-ch-format nil) )) (:comment (setf raw-mode-delimiter nil) (when (or (and callback-only current-callback-tags) (not callback-only)) (push `(:comment ,val) guts))) (:eof (setf raw-mode-delimiter nil) ;; close off all tags (when (or (and callback-only current-callback-tags) (not callback-only)) (close-off-tags '(:start-parse) nil collect-rogue-tags nil)) (put-back-tokenbuf tokenbuf) (if collect-rogue-tags (return (values (cdar guts) rogue-tags)) (return (cdar guts)))))))))) (defmethod parse-html (file &key callback-only callbacks collect-rogue-tags no-body-tags parse-entities) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (with-open-file (p file :direction :input) (parse-html p :callback-only callback-only :callbacks callbacks :collect-rogue-tags collect-rogue-tags :no-body-tags no-body-tags :parse-entities parse-entities ))) (defmethod parse-html ((str string) &key callback-only callbacks collect-rogue-tags no-body-tags parse-entities) (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1))) (parse-html (make-string-input-stream str) :callback-only callback-only :callbacks callbacks :collect-rogue-tags collect-rogue-tags :no-body-tags no-body-tags :parse-entities parse-entities )) ;;;;;;;;;;;; test ;;;(defun doit (ignore-data) ;;; (with-open-file (p "readme.htm") ;;; (loop ;;; (multiple-value-bind (val kind) (next-token p ignore-data) ;;; ;(format t "~s -> ~s~%" kind val) ;;; ;;; (if* (eq kind :eof) then (return)))))) ;;; ;;;(defun pdoit (&optional (file "testa.html")) ;;; (with-open-file (p file) ;;; (parse-html p))) ;;; ;;; ;;;;; requires http client module to work ;;;(defun getparse (host path) ;;; (parse-html (httpr-body ;;; (parse-response ;;; (simple-get host path))))) (provide :phtml)