;;; ********************************************************************* ;;; Copyright (c) 1989, Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc. All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; Use and copying of this software and preparation of derivative works ;;; based upon this software are permitted. Any distribution of this ;;; software or derivative works must comply with all applicable United ;;; States export control laws. ;;; ;;; This software is made available AS IS. The author makes no warranty ;;; about the software, its performance or its conformity to any ;;; specification. ;;; ********************************************************************* (DEFMOP M-EVENT (M-ROOT)) (DEFMOP M-STATE (M-ROOT)) (DEFMOP M-ACT (M-ROOT)) (DEFMOP M-ACTOR (M-ROOT)) (DEFMOP M-GROUP (M-ROOT)) (DEFMOP M-EMPTY-GROUP (M-GROUP)) (DEFMOP I-M-EMPTY-GROUP (M-EMPTY-GROUP) INSTANCE) (DEFMOP M-FUNCTION (M-ROOT)) (DEFMOP CONSTRAINT-FN (M-FUNCTION)) (DEFMOP M-PATTERN (M-ROOT) (ABST-FN CONSTRAINT-FN)) (DEFMOP GET-SIBLING (M-FUNCTION)) (DEFMOP M-CASE (M-ROOT) (OLD M-PATTERN (CALC-FN GET-SIBLING))) (DEFMOP M-ROLE (M-ROOT)) (DEFMOP NOT-CONSTRAINT (CONSTRAINT-FN)) (DEFMOP M-NOT (M-PATTERN) (ABST-FN NOT-CONSTRAINT)) (DEFMOP M-FAILED-SOLUTION (M-ROOT))