;;; Bug Finder Test Cases for Graham Exercises ;;; ;;; Test cases for Graham, Lisp, and project exercises. ;;; Most but not all assigned exercises have test cases. ;;; Update history: ;;; ;;; 10-14-15 changed RANGE tests to allow for downward ranges [CKR] ;;; 10-14-14 added tests for WITH-COLLECTOR, TOKENIZER, and RANGE functions [CKR] ;;; 10-13-14 added another test to SHOW-LIST [CKR] ;;; 10-09-14 unquote predicates in ASSERT-EQUALITY calls [CKR] ;;; 12-11-13 added a test case to INTERSECT-SEGMENTS [CKR] ;;; 11-16-13 revamped MEMOIZE to be simpler and smarter [CKR] ;;; 11-06-13 revamped final MAP-STREAM EOF test [CKR] ;;; 10-30-13 added test to HAS-NUMBER-P [CKR] ;;; 10-26-13 added a linebreak in MAP-STREAM [CKR] ;;; 10-14-13 changed DELETE-CAR tests to display L on failure [CKR] ;;; 10-13-13 added dotted-pair test to DELETE-CAR [CKR] ;;; 11-06-12 added Dhrumil Mehta's test to STABLE-SET-DIFFERENCE [CKR] ;;; 12-01-11 added test to LIST-OF for generator first [CKR] ;;; 11-10-11 simplified and improved HENLEY-P tests [CKR] ;;; 11-09-11 added a test to LONGEST-PATH [CKR] ;;; 11-02-11 changed MEMOIZE to have clearer labels [CKR] ;;; 10-24-11 added a test to MAX-MIN [CKR] ;;; 06-28-11 renamed variable to avoid conflict with NET-ASERVE:START [CKR] ;;; 11-18-10 added a TCONC-LIST test to TCONC [CKR] ;;; 11-18-10 changed RING-PACKAGE to be used with RING.LISP and FILE.LISP [CKR] ;;; 11-18-10 made RING-PACKAGE test more thorough [CKR] ;;; 11-15-10 fixed missing package handling in RING-PACKAGE [CKR] ;;; 11-14-10 changed RING-PACKAGE testing approach [CKR] ;;; 11-10-10 added a test to MAP-STREAM ;;; 11-08-10 added code to clear *PRINT-LENGTH* and *PRINT-LEVEL* in MAP-STREAM [CKR] ;;; 11-07-10 changed MEMOIZE test to not use IDENTITY internally [CKR] ;;; 11-04-10 added test to LONGEST-PATH [CKR] ;;; 10-07-10 added tests for HENLEY-P [CKR] ;;; 10-05-10 changed SHORTEST-PATH to catch queue bugs [CKR] ;;; 10-04-10 changed PRECEDERS to use UNORDERED-EQUAL [CKR] ;;; 12-04-09 restored MAP-STREAM test fix for Lispworks [CKR] ;;; 12-02-09 fixed duplicate #13# in CIRCULAR-MEMBER-P [CKR] ;;; 12-01-09 added more tests to CIRCULAR-MEMBER-P [CKR] ;;; 09-23-09 removed unnecessary USE-PACKAGE calls [CKR] ;;; 12-02-08 added a test to ENQUEUE-FRONT [CKR] ;;; 11-30-08 added a test from Samuel Wilson to MAKE-BEST-CHANGE [CKR] ;;; 11-05-08 added test to MAP-STREAM [CKR] ;;; 11-01-08 added test to MAX-MIN [CKR] ;;; 04-15-08 add a two-paths test to CAR-CIRCULAR-P [CKR] ;;; 04-15-08 corrected a bad test in CAR-CIRCULAR-P reported by Paul D Reiners [CKR] ;;; 03-14-08 added test to REQUEUE-FRONT [CKR] ;;; 03-12-08 added test to COPY-QUEUE [CKR] ;;; 03-09-08 added test from Ryan Cortez to MAKE-BEST-CHANGE [CKR] ;;; 03-01-08 added test from Matthe Reuter to LIST-OF [CKR] ;;; 02-15-08 added a test to COPY-QUEUE [CKR] ;;; 02-05-08 added a test to CIRCULAR-MEMBER-P from Matthew Reuter [CKR] ;;; 02-05-08 added non-string pattern tests for STREAM-SUBST [CKR] ;;; 02-04-08 added a test to REQUEUE-FRONT [CKR] ;;; 02-01-08 added a test for MAKE-BALANCE, suggested by Michael Clark [CKR] ;;; 01-21-08 added tests for SHORTEST-PATH (Ex 5.9) [CKR] ;;; 01-17-08 added tests to DELETE-CAR [CKR] ;;; 01-12-08 added test case to stable set functions [CKR] ;;; 07-02-07 added expected error test to NTH-EXPR [CKR] ;;; 03-14-07 improved test for BIGGER-ARG [CKR] ;;; 03-05-07 added test to HAS-NUMBER-P [CKR] ;;; 02-26-07 added DOUBLEF tests [CKR] ;;; 02-19-07 removed some tests with multiple solutions from MAKE-BEST-CHANGE [CKR] ;;; 02-18-07 added 3 dimes test to MAKE-BEST-CHANGE [CKR] ;;; 02-10-07 simplified and expanded tests for MEMOIZE [CKR] ;;; 03-15-06 replaced FRUGAL with MEMOIZE [CKR] ;;; 02-24-06 added Forrest Sondahl's tests for CAR-CIRCULAR-P [CKR] ;;; 02-20-06 fixed duplicate :ELSE in KEY-IF test [CKR] ;;; 02-14-06 changed the last MAP-STREAM test output to be more readable [CKR] ;;; 02-11-06 removed duplicate sublist labels in CIRCULAR-MEMBER-P [CKR] ;;; 02-10-06 added a new test for KEY-IF [CKR] ;;; 02-10-06 added William Siegrist's CIRCULAR-MEMBER-P tests [CKR] ;;; 02-10-06 modified SOLVE tests [CKR] ;;; 02-09-06 added John Otto's tests for HAS-NUMBER-P [CKR] ;;; 01-25-06 added William Siegrist's test to EXTRACT-CODE-FROM-STRING [CKR] ;;; 12-30-05 updated tests to use ASSERT-EQUALITY etc when appropriate [CKR] ;;; 03-04-05 fixed newlines in strings in Ex 7.3 tests [CKR] ;;; 03-04-05 addes tests for ch 7 [CKR] ;;; 03-04-05 fixed bad tests for Ex 9.4 [CKR] ;;; 02-17-05 added MAP-STREAM tests [CKR] ;;; 02-17-05 added STREAM-SUBST tests [CKR] ;;; 02-09-05 added test to NTH-EXPR [CKR] ;;; 01-31-05 added test to STABLE-SET-DIFFERENCE [CKR] ;;; 01-31-05 fixed backwards BST-ELEMENTS tests [CKR] ;;; 01-27-05 added non-default coin list tests to MAKE-CHANGE [CKR] ;;; 01-18-05 updated for new lisp-unit [CKR] ;;; 12-01-04 added BST-ELEMENTS [CKR] ;;; 11-30-04 edited to be compatible with the new lisp-unit [CKR] ;;; 03-17-04 added test to CDR-CIRCULAR-P [CKR] ;;; 03-17-04 added MAKE-QUEUE and EMPTY-QUEUE-P tests [CKR] ;;; 03-16-04 added queue tests (ch 12) [CKR] ;;; 03-16-04 added ABSTS-ABSTP test [CKR] ;;; 03-15-04 changed FRUGAL to give clearer failure message [CKR] ;;; 03-15-04 added a test to ?IS-A [CKR] ;;; 03-12-04 added atom tests to SHOW-LIST [CKR] ;;; 03-08-04 added some more DELETE-CAR test [CKR] ;;; 03-04-04 added FRUGAL test [CKR] ;;; 03-03-04 removed some tests from ABSTS-ABSTP [CKR] ;;; 03-03-04 added more tests to PRESERVE [CKR] ;;; 03-02-04 added Wagner's tests for ABSTS-ABSTP [CKR] ;;; 03-02-04 added PRESERVE test [CKR] ;;; 02-27-04 added TEST-TAKING-MATCH [CKR] ;;; 02-27-04 added tests for Ex 8.4 [CKR] ;;; 02-27-04 added NTH-EXPR and N-OF tests [CKR] ;;; 02-24-04 added BIN-SEARCH tests [CKR] ;;; 02-16-04 added ABSTS-ABSTP test [CKR] ;;; 02-13-04 added empty vector test to PRECEDERS [CKR] ;;; 02-11-04 added COMMON-ABSTS test [CKR] ;;; 02-10-04 added non-string example for PRECEDERS [CKR] ;;; 02-09-04 added FUNCTIONS-REFERENCED test [CKR] ;;; 02-03-04 added 3TREE test [CKR] ;;; 02-02-04 added (((A B) C) D) test to SHOW-LIST [CKR] ;;; 01-31-04 added *PRINT-CIRCLE* to circular list tests [CKR] ;;; 01-31-04 added EQ test to MY-COPY-LIST [CKR] ;;; 01-29-04 added Earl Wagner's tests for LIST-OF [CKR] ;;; 01-29-04 added new STABLE-INTERSECTION case [CKR] (in-package :cs325-user) ;;; Chapter 2 ;;; Ex 2.4 (define-test greater (assert-equal 2 (greater 1 2)) (assert-equal 2 (greater 2 1)) (assert-equal -1 (greater -5 -1)) (assert-equal 0 (greater -2 0)) (assert-equal 3 (greater 3 3)) ) ;;; Ex 2.7 (define-test has-list-p (assert-false (has-list-p '(a b c))) (assert-true (has-list-p '((a) b))) (assert-true (has-list-p '(a b (c)))) (assert-false (has-list-p 'nil)) (assert-true (has-list-p '(a nil c))) (assert-true (has-list-p '(nil a))) (assert-true (has-list-p '(nil))) ) ;;; Ex 2.8-a (define-test print-dots (assert-prints "...." (print-dots 4)) (assert-prints "." (print-dots 1)) (assert-prints "" (print-dots 0)) ) ;;; Ex 2.8-b (define-test get-a-count (assert-equal 3 (get-a-count '(a a a))) (assert-equal 0 (get-a-count '(b c d))) (assert-equal 0 (get-a-count 'nil)) (assert-equal 0 (get-a-count '(b (a) d))) (assert-equal 2 (get-a-count '(a b a))) (assert-equal 2 (get-a-count '(nil a a))) ) ;;; Ex 2.9 (define-test summit (assert-equal 6 (summit '(1 2 3))) (assert-equal 4 (summit '(1 nil 3))) (assert-equal 0 (summit '(nil nil nil))) (assert-equal 0 (summit nil)) ) ;;; Chapter 3 ;;; Ex 3.2 (define-test stable-union (assert-equal '(a b c d) (stable-union '(a b c) '(b a d))) (assert-equal '(a b c d e f) (stable-union '(a b c) '(d e f))) (assert-equal '(a b c) (stable-union '(a b c) 'nil)) (assert-equal '(a b c d e) (stable-union '(a b c) '(a d b e))) (assert-equal '(c b a e d) (stable-union '(c b a) '(a e b d))) (assert-equal '(a b c) (stable-union 'nil '(a b c))) (assert-equal '(a b c d e) (stable-union '(a b c) '(c d e))) (assert-equal 'nil (stable-union 'nil 'nil)) ) (define-test stable-intersection (assert-equal '(a b) (stable-intersection '(a b c) '(b a d))) (assert-equal '(a b) (stable-intersection '(a b c) '(a b d))) (assert-equal '(c) (stable-intersection '(a b c) '(c d e))) (assert-equal 'nil (stable-intersection '(a b c) '(d e f))) (assert-equal 'nil (stable-intersection '(a b c) 'nil)) (assert-equal 'nil (stable-intersection 'nil '(a b c))) (assert-equal 'nil (stable-intersection 'nil 'nil)) ) (define-test stable-set-difference (assert-equal '(c) (stable-set-difference '(a b c) '(b a d))) (assert-equal '(a b c) (stable-set-difference '(a b c) '(d e f))) (assert-equal '(a b c) (stable-set-difference '(a b c) 'nil)) (assert-equal '(c) (stable-set-difference '(a b c) '(a d b e))) (assert-equal '(d e) (stable-set-difference '(a d b e) '(a b c))) (assert-equal '(a b) (stable-set-difference '(a b c) '(c d e))) (assert-equal '(d e) (stable-set-difference '(c d e) '(a b c))) (assert-equal 'nil (stable-set-difference 'nil '(a b c))) (assert-equal 'nil (stable-set-difference 'nil 'nil)) ) ;;; Ex 3.3 (define-test occurrences (assert-equal '((a . 4) (c . 3) (d . 2) (b . 1)) (occurrences '(a b a d a c d c a c))) (assert-equal '((nil . 3) (b . 2) (a . 1)) (occurrences '(nil a b nil b nil))) (assert-equal 'nil (occurrences 'nil)) ) ;;; Ex 3.5 (define-test position+ (assert-equal '(7 6 3 7) (position+ '(7 5 1 4))) (assert-equal '(7 6 9 8) (position+ '(7 5 7 5))) (assert-equal '(7) (position+ '(7))) (assert-equal 'nil (position+ 'nil)) ) ;;; Ex 3.8 (define-test show-dots (assert-prints "(A . (B . (C . NIL)))" (show-dots '(a b c))) (assert-prints "(A . ((B . (C . NIL)) . NIL))" (show-dots '(a (b c)))) (assert-prints "(A . B)" (show-dots '(a . b))) (assert-prints "NIL" (show-dots nil)) (assert-prints "(NIL . NIL)" (show-dots '(nil))) ) (define-test show-list (assert-prints "[A B C]" (show-list '(a b c))) (assert-prints "[[[A B] C] D]" (show-list '(((a b) c) d))) (assert-prints "[A [B C]]" (show-list '(a (b c)))) (assert-prints "[A . B]" (show-list '(a . b))) (assert-prints "[A B C . D]" (show-list '(a b c . d))) (assert-prints "A" (show-list 'a)) (assert-prints "12" (show-list 12)) (assert-prints "NIL" (show-list nil)) (assert-prints "[NIL]" (show-list '(nil))) (assert-prints "[[[A]]]" (show-list '(((a))))) ) ;;; Ex 3.9 (define-test longest-path (assert-equal '(a b c) (longest-path 'a 'c '((a b) (b c)))) (assert-equal '(a b c) (longest-path 'a 'c '((a b) (b a c)))) (assert-equal '(a b a) (longest-path 'a 'a '((a b) (b a c)))) (assert-equal nil (longest-path 'a 'c '((a b) (b a) (c)))) (assert-equal '(a c d e f) (longest-path 'a 'f '((a b c) (b f) (c d) (d e) (e f)))) (assert-equal '(a b c e d f) (longest-path 'a 'f '((a b c a) (b c d) (c e a) (d e f) (e d f)))) (assert-equal '(a b c a) (longest-path 'a 'a '((a b c a) (b c d) (c e a) (d e f) (e d f)))) (assert-equal '(a) (longest-path 'a 'a '((a b) (b c)))) (assert-equal '(a a) (longest-path 'a 'a '((a a b) (b c)))) (assert-equal '(a a) (longest-path 'a 'a '((a b a) (b c)))) (assert-equal '(a b) (longest-path 'a 'b '((a b) (b c) (c b)))) (assert-equal '(a c b) (longest-path 'a 'b '((a b c) (b c) (c b)))) ) ;;; Chapter 4 ;;; A utility for copying arrays for the in-place rotate in graham-4-1 (defun copy-array (a) (let* ((dims (array-dimensions a)) (a-copy (make-array dims :element-type (array-element-type a)))) (dotimes (i (array-total-size a)) (setf (row-major-aref a-copy i) (row-major-aref a i))) a-copy)) ;;; Ex 4.1 (define-test rotate-array (assert-equalp #2a((c a) (d b)) (rotate-array #2a((a b) (c d)))) (assert-equalp #2a((g d a) (h e b) (i f c)) (rotate-array #2a((a b c) (d e f) (g h i)))) (assert-equalp #2a((a)) (rotate-array #2a((a)))) (assert-equalp #2a((13 9 5 1) (14 10 6 2) (15 11 7 3) (16 12 8 4)) (rotate-array #2a((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8) (9 10 11 12) (13 14 15 16)))) (assert-equalp #2a((21 16 11 6 1) (22 17 12 7 2) (23 18 13 8 3) (24 19 14 9 4) (25 20 15 10 5)) (rotate-array #2a((1 2 3 4 5) (6 7 8 9 10) (11 12 13 14 15) (16 17 18 19 20) (21 22 23 24 25)))) (let ((x #2a((a b c) (d e f) (g h i)))) (assert-false (eq (rotate-array x) x) x)) ) (define-test nrotate-array (assert-equalp #2a((c a) (d b)) (nrotate-array (copy-array #2a((a b) (c d))))) (assert-equalp #2a((g d a) (h e b) (i f c)) (nrotate-array (copy-array #2a((a b c) (d e f) (g h i))))) (assert-equalp #2a((a)) (nrotate-array (copy-array #2a((a))))) (assert-equalp #2a((13 9 5 1) (14 10 6 2) (15 11 7 3) (16 12 8 4)) (nrotate-array (copy-array #2a((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8) (9 10 11 12) (13 14 15 16))))) (assert-equalp #2a((21 16 11 6 1) (22 17 12 7 2) (23 18 13 8 3) (24 19 14 9 4) (25 20 15 10 5)) (nrotate-array (copy-array #2a((1 2 3 4 5) (6 7 8 9 10) (11 12 13 14 15) (16 17 18 19 20) (21 22 23 24 25))))) (let ((x #2a((a b c) (d e f) (g h i)))) (assert-true (eq (nrotate-array x) x) x)) ) ;;; Ex 4.2-a (define-test my-copy-list (assert-equal '(a b c) (my-copy-list '(a b c))) (assert-equal '(a b a c b) (my-copy-list '(a b a c b))) (assert-equal '(a) (my-copy-list '(a))) (assert-equal nil (my-copy-list nil)) (let ((l '(a b c))) (assert-false (eq l (my-copy-list l)) l)) ) ;;; Ex 4.2-b (define-test my-reverse (assert-equal '(c b a) (my-reverse '(a b c))) (assert-equal '(b a) (my-reverse '(a b))) (assert-equal '(a) (my-reverse '(a))) (assert-equal nil (my-reverse nil)) (assert-equal '(d (b c) a) (my-reverse '(a (b c) d))) ) ;;; Ex 4.3 ;;; Utility for building 3tree from nested list (defun list->3tree (l) (if (null l) nil (make-3tree :data (first l) :left (list->3tree (second l)) :middle (list->3tree (third l)) :right (list->3tree (fourth l))))) (define-test 3tree-clone (let* ((tree (list->3tree '(top (a (b nil (c nil nil) (d nil nil)) nil nil) nil (e nil nil (f nil (g nil nil) nil))))) (clone (3tree-clone tree))) (assert-equalp tree clone) (assert-false (eq tree clone)) (assert-false (eq (3tree-left tree) (3tree-left clone))) (assert-false (eq (3tree-right tree) (3tree-right clone))) (assert-false (eq (3tree-left (3tree-left tree)) (3tree-left (3tree-left clone)))) (assert-false (eq (3tree-right (3tree-right tree)) (3tree-right (3tree-right clone)))) )) (define-test 3tree-member (let ((tree (list->3tree '(top (a (b nil (c nil nil) (d nil nil))) nil (e nil nil (nil nil (g nil nil) nil)))))) (assert-true (3tree-member 'top tree)) (assert-true (3tree-member 'a tree)) (assert-true (3tree-member 'b tree)) (assert-true (3tree-member 'd tree)) (assert-true (3tree-member 'e tree)) (assert-false (3tree-member 'f tree)) (assert-true (3tree-member 'nil tree)) (assert-false (3tree-member 'nil (3tree-left tree))) )) ;;; Ex 4.4 ;;; requires bst.lisp (Graham's code) (defun make-bst (l) (do ((ll l (cdr ll)) (bst nil (bst-insert (car ll) bst #'<))) ((null ll) bst))) (define-test bst-elements (assert-equal nil (bst-elements (make-bst nil))) (assert-equal '(4) (bst-elements (make-bst '(4)))) (assert-equal '(0 -12) (bst-elements (make-bst '(-12 0)))) (assert-equal '(10 9 5 3 1) (bst-elements (make-bst '(3 1 5 9 10)))) ) ;;; Ex 4.6 (define-test alist->hash-table (let ((ht (alist->hash-table '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))))) (assert-equal 1 (gethash 'a ht)) (assert-equal 2 (gethash 'b ht)) (assert-equal 3 (gethash 'c ht)) (assert-equal 3 (hash-table-count ht))) (assert-equal 0 (hash-table-count (alist->hash-table nil))) ) (define-test hash-table->alist (let ((ht (make-hash-table))) (setf (gethash 'a ht) 1 (gethash 'b ht) 2 (gethash 'c ht) 3) (assert-equality set-equal '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) (hash-table->alist ht))) (assert-true (null (hash-table->alist (make-hash-table)))) ) ;;; Chapter 5 ;;; Ex 5.5 (define-test preceders (assert-equality unordered-equal '(#\c #\d #\r) (preceders #\a "abracadabra")) (assert-equality unordered-equal '(#\c #\d #\r #\a) (preceders #\a "aabracadabra")) (assert-equality unordered-equal 'nil (preceders #\x "abracadabra")) (assert-equality unordered-equal 'nil (preceders #\a "")) (assert-equality unordered-equal '(#\x #\c #\d #\r) (preceders #\a "abxacadabra")) (assert-equality unordered-equal '(a d) (preceders 'b #(a b c d b a b))) (assert-equality unordered-equal nil (preceders 'b #())) ) ;;; Ex 5.6 (define-test intersperse (assert-equal '(a - b - c - d) (intersperse '- '(a b c d))) (assert-equal '(a - b) (intersperse '- '(a b))) (assert-equal '(a) (intersperse '- '(a))) (assert-equal 'nil (intersperse '- 'nil)) (assert-equal '(nil - b - c) (intersperse '- '(nil b c))) (assert-equal '(a - nil - c) (intersperse '- '(a nil c))) (assert-equal '(nil) (intersperse '- '(nil))) (assert-equal '(a - a - b) (intersperse '- '(a a b))) ) ;;; Ex 5.7 (define-test diff-by-one-p (assert-true (diff-by-one-p '(1 2 3 2 1))) (assert-true (diff-by-one-p '(1 2))) (assert-false (diff-by-one-p '(1 2 3 -4))) (assert-false (diff-by-one-p '(1 3 5 6))) (assert-true (diff-by-one-p '(1))) (assert-true (diff-by-one-p 'nil)) (assert-false (diff-by-one-p '(1 2 3 3 2))) (assert-error 'error (diff-by-one-p '(1 nil))) ) ;;; Ex 5.8 (define-test max-min (assert-equal (values 4 1) (max-min #(1 2 3 4))) (assert-equal (values 10 1) (max-min #(3 1 8 2 10))) (assert-equal (values 10 10) (max-min #(10))) (assert-equal (values -5 -8) (max-min #(-5 -8))) (assert-equal (values 2 2) (max-min #(1 2 3 4) :start 1 :end 2)) (assert-equal (values nil nil) (max-min #(1 2 3) :start 2 :end 2)) (assert-equal (values nil nil) (max-min #())) ) ;;; Ex 5.9 ;;; In order to check that a solution is returned immediately, ;;; not queued up, use EMPTY-QUEUE-P to test the queue. ;;; That will check to see if the path TEST-PATH is looking ;;; for has been added and signal a test failure. (let ((bad-path nil)) (defun test-path (path node end net) (setq bad-path (reverse path)) (assert-equal path (shortest-path node end net))) (defun empty-queue-p (queue) (when (member bad-path queue :test 'equal) (fail "~S put in queue" bad-path)) (null queue)) ) (define-test shortest-path ;; Without cycles (test-path '(a c d) 'a 'd '((a b c) (b c) (c d))) (test-path '(a c) 'a 'c '((a b c) (b c) (c d))) (test-path '(a c d) 'a 'd '((a b c) (b e) (e c) (c d))) (test-path '(a c e f) 'a 'f '((a b c) (b c) (c e) (e f))) (test-path '(a b f) 'a 'f '((a b c) (b c f) (c e) (e f))) (test-path '() 'a 'f '((a b c) (b c) (c d) (e f))) ;; With cycles (test-path '(a c d) 'a 'd '((a b c) (b a c) (c d))) (test-path '(a c) 'a 'c '((a b c) (b c) (c a d))) (test-path '() 'a 'c '((a b) (b a) (c))) (test-path '() 'a 'f '((a b c) (b a c) (c d) (e f))) ) ;;; Chapter 6 ;;; Ex 6.2 (define-test bin-search (assert-equal 1 (bin-search 1 #(1 3 5 7 8 10))) (assert-equal 3 (bin-search 3 #(1 3 5 7 8 10))) (assert-equal 5 (bin-search 5 #(1 3 5 7 8 10))) (assert-equal 7 (bin-search 7 #(1 3 5 7 8 10))) (assert-equal 8 (bin-search 8 #(1 3 5 7 8 10))) (assert-equal 10 (bin-search 10 #(1 3 5 7 8 10))) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 0 #(1 3 5 7 8 10))) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 12 #(1 3 5 7 8 10))) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 3 #(1 3 5 7 8 10) :start 2)) (assert-equal 3 (bin-search 3 #(1 3 5 7 8 10) :start 1)) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 7 #(1 3 5 7 8 10) :end 3)) (assert-equal 7 (bin-search 7 #(1 3 5 7 8 10) :end 4)) (assert-equal 7 (bin-search 7 #(1 3 5 7 8 10) :start 2 :end 4)) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 7 #(1 3 5 7 8 10) :start 2 :end 2)) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 1 #(1 3 5 7 8 10) :start 3 :end 2)) (assert-equal '(8 e) (bin-search 8 #((1 a) (3 b) (5 c) (7 d) (8 e) (10 f)) :key #'car)) (assert-equal '(8 e) (bin-search 8 #((1 a) (3 b) (5 c) (7 d) (8 e) (10 f)) :key #'car :start 3 :end 5)) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 8 #((1 a) (3 b) (5 c) (7 d) (8 e) (10 f)) :key #'car :start 3 :end 4)) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 8 #((1 a) (3 b) (5 c) (7 d) (8 e) (10 f)) :key #'car :start 5 :end 6)) (assert-equal 1 (bin-search 1 #(1))) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 1 #(1) :start 1)) (assert-equal 1 (bin-search 1 #(1) :end 1)) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 1 #(1) :end 0)) (assert-equal nil (bin-search 1 #())) ) ;;; Ex 6.4 (define-test two-most (assert-equal (values 1 2) (two-most '/ '(3 1 8 2 10))) (assert-equal (values 1 3) (two-most '/ '(3 1 8))) (assert-equal (values 2 5) (two-most '/ '(10 2 5 8))) (assert-equal (values 8 nil) (two-most '/ '(8))) (assert-equal (values 2 2) (two-most '/ '(2 8 2))) (assert-equal (values nil nil) (two-most '/ nil)) (assert-equal (values 8 0) (two-most '1+ '(-1 0 -2 8 -5 -1 0))) (assert-equal (values 3 2) (two-most '1+ '(2 3))) (assert-equal (values 3 2) (two-most '1+ '(3 2))) (assert-equal (values 4 3) (two-most '1+ '(2 3 4))) (assert-equal (values 4 3) (two-most '1+ '(2 4 3))) (assert-equal (values 4 3) (two-most '1+ '(4 2 3))) (assert-equal (values -2 -4) (two-most '1+ '(-2 -4 -5 -8))) ) ;;; Ex 6.5 (define-test my-remove-if (assert-equal '(a b c) (my-remove-if 'null '(nil a b nil c))) (assert-equal nil (my-remove-if 'oddp '(1))) ) ;;; Ex 6.6 (define-test greatest-arg (greatest-arg) (assert-equal -5 (greatest-arg -5)) (assert-equal 0 (greatest-arg 0)) (assert-equal 2 (greatest-arg 2)) (assert-equal 2 (greatest-arg 0)) (assert-equal 10 (greatest-arg 10)) (greatest-arg) (assert-equal -5 (greatest-arg -5)) (assert-equal 0 (greatest-arg 0)) ) ;;; Ex 6.7 (define-test bigger-arg (bigger-arg) (assert-false (bigger-arg -5)) (assert-true (bigger-arg 0)) (assert-true (bigger-arg 20)) (assert-false (bigger-arg 0)) (assert-true (bigger-arg 5)) (bigger-arg) (assert-false (bigger-arg 10)) ) ;;; Ex 6.8 ;;; We memoize a function fn that prints to make it easy to check ;;; if it was called. The keywords in the assert's are ;;; to make it easier to tell which tests failed, if any. (defvar *memo-out* nil) (defun memo-test (x) (prin1 x *memo-out*)) (defun memo-call (fn x) (let ((*memo-out* (make-string-output-stream))) (list (funcall fn x) (get-output-stream-string *memo-out*)))) (define-test memoize (let ((fn1 (memoize #'memo-test))) ;; start with new values (assert-equal '(x "X") (memo-call fn1 'x) :test1) (assert-equal '((a b) "(A B)") (memo-call fn1 '(a b)) :test2) (assert-equal '(nil "NIL") (memo-call fn1 nil) :test3) ;; no calls with old values (assert-equal '(x "") (memo-call fn1 'x) :test4) (assert-equal '((a b) "") (memo-call fn1 '(a b)) :test5) (assert-equal '(nil "") (memo-call fn1 nil) :test6) ;; make sure a new memoized version of the function ;; gets called (let ((fn2 (memoize #'memo-test))) ;; the old function is still not getting called (assert-equal '(x "") (memo-call fn1 'x) :test7) ;; and the new one is (assert-equal '(x "X") (memo-call fn2 'x) :test8) (assert-equal '((a b) "(A B)") (memo-call fn2 '(a b)) :test9) (assert-equal '(nil "NIL") (memo-call fn2 nil) :test10) ;; clear the internal table for the first memoized version (assert-equal nil (funcall fn1)) ;; fn1 should be called (assert-equal '(x "X") (memo-call fn1 'x) :test11) ;; fn2 should not be called (assert-equal '(x "") (memo-call fn2 'x) :test12) ))) ;;; Chapter 7 ;;; Ex 7.2 modified (defun map-stream-list (fn string) (let ((l nil)) (with-input-from-string (in string) (map-stream #'(lambda (x) (push (funcall fn x) l)) in) (nreverse l)))) ;; Note: Lispworks adds an unprintable hashtable object to the ;; function lambda expression (defun make-expected-forms (name) (subst-if nil #'hash-table-p (subforms (function-lambda-expression (symbol-function name))))) (defun make-test-text (forms) (let ((*print-level* nil) (*print-length* nil)) (format nil "~{~S~%~} ;;" forms))) (defun make-testing-forms (expected actual) (let ((alen (length actual)) (elen (length expected))) (and (< alen elen) (subseq expected (max 0 (- alen 1)) (min elen (+ alen 3)))))) (defun subforms (l) (adjoin l (and (consp l) (union (subforms (car l)) (subforms (cdr l)))))) (define-test map-stream (assert-equal nil (map-stream-list #'identity " ")) (assert-equal '(nil) (map-stream-list #'identity "nil")) (assert-equal '(1 a (2 3)) (map-stream-list #'identity " 1 a (2 3) ")) (assert-equal '(a nil b c) (map-stream-list #'identity "a nil b c")) (assert-equal '(a eof b c) (map-stream-list #'identity "a eof b c")) (assert-equal '(2 3 4) (map-stream-list #'1+ "1 2 3")) (assert-equal '(a b c) (map-stream-list #'identity "a b c ;;")) (let* ((expected (make-expected-forms 'map-stream)) (actual (map-stream-list #'identity (make-test-text expected))) (test-forms (make-testing-forms expected actual))) (unless (null test-forms) (let ((test-text (make-test-text test-forms))) (assert-equal test-forms (map-stream-list #'identity test-text) test-text)))) ) ;;; Ex 7.3 modified (defun extract-code-from-string (str) (with-input-from-string (in str) (extract-code-from-stream in))) (define-test extract-code-from-stream (assert-prints "" (extract-code-from-string "")) (assert-prints "" (extract-code-from-string "foo baz pre ")) (assert-prints "(a b) (c d)" (extract-code-from-string "foo
(a b)
pre")) (assert-prints "" (extract-code-from-string "(b a d)")) ) ;;; Ex 7.5 ;;; Requires Graham's BUF and STREAM-SUBST code ;;; ;;; Tests courtesy of David Raffensperger (defun string-subst (old new str &key (wildcard '#\+)) (with-input-from-string (in str) (with-output-to-string (out) (stream-subst old new in out :wildcard wildcard)))) (define-test stream-subst (assert-equal "" (string-subst "" "" "")) (assert-equal "d c" (string-subst "a" "d" "a c")) (assert-equal "d c dd" (string-subst "a" "d" "a c aa")) (assert-equal "ddd" (string-subst "+" "d" "abc")) (assert-equal "ddd" (string-subst "-" "d" "abc" :wildcard #\-)) (assert-equal "" (string-subst "+" "" "")) (assert-equal "" (string-subst "+" "" "" :wildcard #\-)) (assert-equal "" (string-subst "-" "" "" :wildcard #\-)) (assert-equal "an apple furthermore a pear" (string-subst "and" "furthermore" "an apple and a pear")) (assert-equal "an apple and a pear and a man and a dog" (string-subst "furthermore" "and" "an apple furthermore a pear and a man furthermore a dog")) (assert-equal "a dogr is open, a dog is dogted" (string-subst "do+" "dog" "a door is open, a dog is dotted")) (assert-equal "a door is open, a dog is dotted" (string-subst "do+" "dog" "a door is open, a dog is dotted" :wildcard #\-)) (assert-equal "a dogr is open, a dog is dogted" (string-subst "do-" "dog" "a door is open, a dog is dotted" :wildcard #\-)) (assert-equal "Ralph xxxCxx" (string-subst #(:digit) "x" "Ralph 124C41")) (assert-equal "xxxxx xxxxxx" (string-subst #(:alphanumeric) "x" "Ralph 124C41")) (assert-equal "Ralph 12x41" (string-subst #(:digit :alpha) "x" "Ralph 124C41")) (assert-equal "Ralph 1x41" (string-subst #(:digit :wild :alpha) "x" "Ralph 124C41")) ) ;;; Chapter 8 ;;; Ex 8.4 (define-test ring-package (assert-equal "Ignore C. Lisp and only Lisp is worth learning" (with-output-to-string (out) (with-input-from-string (in "Ignore C. C++ and only C++ is worth learning") (funcall (read-from-string "file:stream-subst") "C++" "Lisp" in out)))) (assert-true (fboundp (read-from-string "file:file-subst"))) ) ;;; Ex 8.5 (define-test henley-p (assert-true (henley-p "")) (assert-false (henley-p "how now brown cow")) (assert-true (henley-p "hee also is old ! for lightning down the ambient light oread or whither wentst , new minds and dire ")) (assert-false (henley-p "wentst the ambient lightning")) ) ;;; Chapter 9 ;;; Ex 9.2 (define-test make-change (assert-equal (values 2 1 1 2) (make-change 67)) (assert-equal (values 2 0 0 0) (make-change 50)) (assert-equal (values 0 0 0 4) (make-change 4)) (assert-equal (values 0 0 0 0) (make-change 0)) (assert-equal (values 2 0 0 0 1 1) (make-change 67 '(32 16 8 4 2 1))) (assert-equal (values 1 1 0 0 1 0) (make-change 50 '(32 16 8 4 2 1))) (assert-equal (values 0 0 0 1 0 0) (make-change 4 '(32 16 8 4 2 1))) ) (define-test make-best-change (assert-equal (values 2 1 1 2) (make-best-change 67)) (assert-equal (values 2 0 0 0) (make-best-change 50)) (assert-equal (values 0 0 0 4) (make-best-change 4)) (assert-equal (values 0 0 0 0) (make-best-change 0)) (assert-equal (values 0 3 0) (make-best-change 30 '(25 10 1))) (assert-equal (values 1 3) (make-best-change 32 '(11 7))) (assert-equal (values 1 5 0) (make-best-change 88 '(23 13 5))) (assert-equal (values 1 1) (make-best-change 11 '(7 3))) (assert-equal (values 2 0 1) (make-best-change 21 '(10 5 1))) ) ;;; Ex 9.4 (defun segment-equals (results correct) (or (equal results correct) (and (= (length correct) 4) (equal (first results) (third correct)) (equal (second results) (fourth correct)) (equal (third results) (first correct)) (equal (fourth results) (second correct))))) (define-test intersect-segments (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 2 3 3) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 1 1 3 3 2 2 4 4))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 2 3 3) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 3 3 1 1 2 2 4 4))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 2 3 3) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 1 1 3 3 2 2 5 5))) (assert-equal '(nil) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 2 2 2) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 2) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 3))) (assert-equal '(nil) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 1 1 3 3 4 0 3 1))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(0 0) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments -1 1 1 -1 0 0 1 1))) (assert-equal '(nil) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments -3 1 0 -2 -2 1 -1 0))) (assert-equal '(-2 1 -1 0) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments -3 2 1 -2 -2 1 -1 0))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 2 2 2) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 3 2 4) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 2 2 2 4 2 3 2 5))) (assert-equal '(nil) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 2 2 2) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 2 2 2 2 1 1 3 3))) (assert-equality segment-equals '(2 2 2 2) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2))) (assert-equal '(nil) (multiple-value-list (intersect-segments 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2))) ) ;;; Ex 9.5 (defun poly1-2-5 (x) (- (* x x) (* 2 x) 5)) (defun poly1-0-9 (x) (- (* x x) 9)) (defun epsilon-equals (returned correct) (< (abs (- returned correct)) 0.01)) (define-test solve (assert-equality epsilon-equals 3.4494896 (solve 'poly1-2-5 1 5 0.01)) (assert-equality epsilon-equals 3 (solve 'poly1-0-9 2.8 3.2 0.01)) (assert-equality epsilon-equals -3 (solve 'poly1-0-9 -11.1 -2.9 0.01)) ) ;;; Ex 9.6 (define-test horner (assert-equality epsilon-equals -2 (horner '3 1 -2 -5)) (assert-equality epsilon-equals 10 (horner '-3 1 -2 -5)) (assert-equality epsilon-equals 5 (horner '3 5)) (assert-equality epsilon-equals -4 (horner '-3 2 4 -2 8)) ) ;;; Chapter 10 ;;; Ex 10.3 (define-test nth-expr (assert-equal 3 (let ((n 2)) (nth-expr n (/ 1 0) (+ 1 2) (/ 1 0)))) (assert-error 'division-by-zero (let ((n 1)) (nth-expr n (/ 1 0) (+ 1 2) (/ 1 0)))) (assert-prints "win" (let ((n 3) (x "lose") (y "win")) (nth-expr n (princ x) (princ x) (princ y) (princ x)))) (assert-equal 3 (let ((n 2)) (nth-expr (incf n) 1 2 3 4 5))) ) ;;; Ex 10.5 (define-test n-of (assert-equal '(1 2 3 4) (let ((i 0) (n 4)) (n-of n (incf i)))) (assert-equal '(a) (let* ((l '(1 2 3)) (pop l)) (n-of (pop l) 'a))) ) ;;; Ex 10.6 (define-test preserve (assert-equal 10 (progn (preserve (*read-base*) (setq *read-base* 2)) *read-base*)) (assert-equal 'a (let ((x 'a)) (preserve (x) (setq x 'b)) x)) (assert-equal 10 (preserve (*read-base*) *read-base*)) (assert-equal 'a (let ((x 'a)) (preserve (x) x))) (assert-equal '(10 "1010" a) (let ((x 'a) (str nil)) (preserve (*print-base* x) (setq *print-base* 2 x 'b) (setq str (format nil "~s" 10))) (list *print-base* str x))) ) ;;; Ex 10.8 (define-test doublef (assert-equal 10 (let ((n 5)) (doublef n) n)) (assert-equal 10 (let ((n 5)) (doublef n))) (assert-equal '(10 2) (let ((l (list 5 2))) (doublef (car l)) l)) (assert-equal 10 (let ((l (list 5 2))) (doublef (car l)))) (assert-equal '(10 2) (let ((i -1) (l (list 5 2))) (doublef (nth (incf i) l)) l)) ) ;;; Chapter 12 (define-test make-queue (assert-equal '(nil) (make-queue)) (assert-equal '((1 2 3) 3) (make-queue 1 2 3)) (assert-equal '((1 2 3) 3) (flet ((fn nil (make-queue 1 2 3))) (enqueue 4 (fn)) (fn))) ) (define-test empty-queue-p (assert-true (empty-queue-p (make-queue))) (assert-false (empty-queue-p (make-queue 1))) ) ;;; Ex 12.3 (define-test copy-queue (assert-equal '(nil) (let* ((q (make-queue)) (qc (copy-queue q))) qc)) (assert-equal '(nil) (let* ((q (make-queue)) (qc (copy-queue q))) (enqueue 1 q) qc)) (assert-equal '((1 2 3 4) 4) (let* ((q (make-queue 1 2 3 4)) (qc (copy-queue q))) qc)) (assert-equal '((1 2 3 4) 4) (let* ((q (make-queue 1 2 3 4)) (qc (copy-queue q))) (dequeue q) qc)) (assert-equal '((1 2 3 4) 4) (let* ((q (make-queue 1 2 3 4)) (qc (copy-queue q))) (enqueue 5 q) qc)) (assert-equal '((1 2 3 4 5) 5) (let* ((q (make-queue 1 2 3 4)) (qc (copy-queue q))) (enqueue 5 qc) qc)) ) ;;; Ex 12.4 (define-test enqueue-front (assert-equal '((a) a) (let ((q (make-queue))) (enqueue-front 'a q) q)) (assert-equal '((4 1 2 3) 3) (let ((q (make-queue 1 2 3))) (enqueue-front 4 q) q)) (assert-equal '((a b) b) (let ((q (make-queue))) (enqueue-front 'a q) (enqueue 'b q) q)) ) ;;; Ex 12.5 (define-test requeue-front (assert-equal '((1 2 3) 3) (let ((q (make-queue 1 2 3))) (requeue-front 1 q) q)) (assert-equal '((2 1 3) 3) (let ((q (make-queue 1 2 3))) (requeue-front 2 q) q)) (assert-equal '((3 1 2) 2) (let ((q (make-queue 1 2 3))) (requeue-front 3 q) q)) (assert-equal '((1 2 3) 3) (let ((q (make-queue 1 2 3))) (requeue-front 4 q) q)) (assert-equal '((1 2 1 3) 3) (let ((q (make-queue 1 2 1 3))) (requeue-front 1 q) q)) (assert-equal '((2 1 1 2 3) 3) (let ((q (make-queue 1 2 1 2 3))) (requeue-front 2 q) q)) (assert-equal '((3 1 2 4) 4) (let ((q (make-queue 1 2 3))) (requeue-front 3 q) (enqueue 4 q) q)) ) ;;; Ex 12.6 (define-test circular-member-p (let ((*print-circle* t)) (assert-true (circular-member-p 1 '(1 2 3 4))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 2 '(1 2 3 4))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 4 '(1 2 3 4))) (assert-false (circular-member-p 5 '(1 2 3 4))) (assert-false (circular-member-p 1 nil)) (assert-false (circular-member-p nil '(1 2 3 4))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 1 '#1=(1 2 3 4 . #1#))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 2 '#2=(1 2 3 4 . #2#))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 3 '#3=(1 2 3 4 . #3#))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 4 '#4=(1 2 3 4 . #4#))) (assert-false (circular-member-p 5 '#5=(1 2 3 4 . #5#))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 1 '#6=(1 . #6#))) (assert-false (circular-member-p 5 '#7=(1 . #7#))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 3 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . #8=(9 10 11 . #8#)))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 4 '#9=(1 2 3 4 . #9#))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 7 '(1 2 3 4 . #10=(5 6 7 . #10#)))) (assert-true (circular-member-p 11 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . #11=(9 10 11 . #11#)))) (assert-false (circular-member-p 3 '(1 2 . #12=(4 5 6 . #12#)))) (assert-true (circular-member-p nil '#13=(1 2 3 4 nil . #13#))) (assert-false (circular-member-p nil '#14=(1 2 (3 4) . #14#))) (assert-false (circular-member-p nil '(1))) )) ;;; Ex 12.7 (define-test cdr-circular-p (let ((*print-circle* t)) (assert-false (cdr-circular-p '(1 2 3 4))) (assert-true (cdr-circular-p '#1=(1 2 3 4 . #1#))) (assert-true (cdr-circular-p '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . #2=(9 10 11 . #2#)))) (assert-false (cdr-circular-p '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . #3=(9 10 11 #3#)))) (assert-false (cdr-circular-p nil)) )) ;;; Ex 12.8 (define-test car-circular-p (let ((*print-circle* t)) (assert-false (car-circular-p '(1 2 3 4))) (assert-false (car-circular-p '#1=(1 2 3 4 . #1#))) (assert-false (car-circular-p '((1 2) 3 4))) (assert-true (car-circular-p '#2=(#2#))) (assert-true (car-circular-p '#3=((1 2) 3 #3#))) (assert-false (car-circular-p '(#4=(1 2) 3 #4#))) (assert-false (car-circular-p '(((1 2 3)) 4 ((5 6))))) (assert-false (car-circular-p '(((1 2 . #5=(3))) 4 ((5 . #5#))))) (assert-false (car-circular-p '(#6=((1 2 3)) 4 ((5 . #6#))))) (assert-true (car-circular-p '(((1 2 3)) 4 . #7=(((5 . #7#)))))) (assert-true (car-circular-p '#8=(1 2 (((3 #8#))) 4))) (assert-false (car-circular-p '(#9=(1 2 3 . #9#)))) (assert-true (car-circular-p '#10=(#11=((1 2) 3 #11#) 2 3 . #10#))) (assert-true (car-circular-p '#12=(a . ((b . #12#) . c)))) (assert-true (car-circular-p '((#13=(1 2 . #13#)) #14=((3 . #14#))))) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Tests for exercises on Lisp Exercises page ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Ex Lisp #1 (define-test has-number-p (assert-false (has-number-p 'nil)) (assert-true (has-number-p 1)) (assert-false (has-number-p 'a)) (assert-true (has-number-p '(1))) (assert-false (has-number-p '(a))) (assert-true (has-number-p '(a (1)))) (assert-false (has-number-p '(a (a)))) (assert-true (has-number-p '((a 1) c d))) (assert-true (has-number-p '((a b) (c 1)))) ) ;;; Ex Lisp #2 (define-test key-if (assert-expands '(cond (flag x y) (t nil)) (key-if flag :then x y)) (assert-expands '(cond (flag x y) (t z w)) (key-if flag :then x y :else z w)) (assert-expands '(cond (flag nil) (t z w)) (key-if flag :else z w)) (assert-expands '(cond (flag x y) (t z w)) (key-if flag :else z w :then x y)) (assert-equal 'ok (let ((n 2)) (key-if (> n 1) :else 'oops :then 'ok))) ) ;;; Ex Lisp #3 (define-test make-balance (let ((bal-1 (make-balance 100)) (bal-2 (make-balance -100))) (assert-equal 100 (funcall bal-1)) (assert-equal 110 (funcall bal-1 10)) (assert-equal 105 (funcall bal-1 -5)) (assert-equal 105 (funcall bal-1)) (assert-equal -100 (funcall bal-2))) ) ;;; Ex Lisp #4 (define-test delete-car (let ((l (list 1 2 3 4))) (assert-equal '(2 3 4) (delete-car l) l) (assert-equal '(2 3 4) l l) (assert-equal '(3 4) (delete-car l) l) (assert-equal '(3 4) l l) (assert-equal '(4) (delete-car l) l) (assert-equal '(4) l l) (assert-equal 'nil (delete-car l) l)) (assert-equal nil (delete-car nil)) (assert-equal 2 (delete-car (cons 1 2))) (assert-error 'error (delete-car 1)) (assert-equal '(nil 2) (delete-car (list 1 nil 2))) (assert-equal '(2 1) (delete-car (list 1 2 1))) (assert-equal '(2 1) (funcall #'delete-car (list 1 2 1))) ) ;;; Ex Lisp #5 (define-test collect-numbers (assert-equal nil (collect-numbers nil)) (assert-equal nil (collect-numbers 'b)) (assert-equal '(3) (collect-numbers '3)) (assert-equal '(1 2 3) (collect-numbers '(1 2 3))) (assert-equal '(1 2 3) (collect-numbers '(1 (b (2 c) ((3)))))) (assert-equal '(1 3) (collect-numbers '(1 nil (3 nil)))) (assert-equal '(4 1 8 2) (collect-numbers '(((4) 1) (8 ((2)))))) ) ;;; Ex Lisp #6 (define-test tconc (let* ((l1 (list 1 2)) (tc (make-tconc l1)) (l2 (list 'a 'b))) (assert-eq l1 (tconc tc)) (assert-equal '(1 2) (tconc tc)) (assert-equal '(1 2 3 4) (tconc tc 3 4)) (assert-equal '(1 2 3 4) (tconc-list tc nil)) (assert-equal '(1 2 3 4 a b) (tconc-list tc l2)) (assert-equal '(a b) l2) (assert-equal '(1 2 3 4 a b) (tconc tc)) (assert-eq l1 (tconc tc)) (assert-eq (tconc tc) (tconc tc))) (let ((tc (make-tconc))) (assert-equal nil (tconc tc)) (assert-equal '(1) (tconc tc 1)) (assert-equal '(1 2 3) (tconc tc 2 3)) (assert-equal '(1 2 3) (tconc tc))) ) ;;; Ex Lisp #7 (define-test list-of (assert-equal '(2 3 4) (list-of (1+ x) (x :in '(1 2 3)))) (assert-equal '(2 4) (list-of (1+ x) (x :in '(1 2 3)) (oddp x))) (assert-equal '((a a) (a b) (b a) (b b)) (list-of (list x y) (x :in '(a b)) (y :in '(a b)))) (assert-equal '((1 2) (1 4) (3 2) (3 4)) (list-of (list x y) (x :in '(1 2 3 4)) (oddp x) (y :in '(1 2 3 4)) (evenp y))) (assert-equal '((1 2) (1 4) (3 2) (3 4)) (list-of (list x y) (x :in '(1 2 3 4)) (y :in '(1 2 3 4)) (oddp x) (evenp y))) (assert-equal '((1 6) (2 5) (3 4) (4 3)) (list-of (list x y) (x :in '(1 2 3 4)) (y :in '(3 4 5 6)) (= 7 (+ x y)))) (assert-equal '(t) (list-of t)) (assert-equal '(nil) (list-of nil)) (assert-equal '(3 5 7) (list-of (x :in '(2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) (oddp x))) ) ;;; Ex Lisp #9 (define-test with-collector (with-collector collect (assert-equal '(1) (collect 1)) (assert-equal '(1 nil) (collect nil)) (assert-equal '(1 nil a) (collect 'a))) (assert-equal '(1 3) (with-collector collect (dolist (x '(1 2 3 4)) (when (oddp x) (collect x))))) (let ((odds (list 'odds))) (with-collector (collect odds) (dolist (x '(1 2 3 4)) (when (oddp x) (collect x)))) (assert-equal '(odds 1 3) odds)) ) ;;; Ex Lisp #10 (define-test tokenizer (flet ((split-string (str &optional (delim #\space)) (let ((tr (make-tokenizer str delim))) (do ((l nil (cons (next-token tr) l))) ((not (next-token-p tr)) (nreverse l)))))) (assert-equal '("now" "is" "the" "time") (split-string " now is the time ")) (assert-equal '("12" "132" "abc") (split-string "12,132,abc" #\,)) (assert-equal '("" "12" "132" "" "abc") (split-string ",12,132,,abc" #\,)) (assert-equal '("" "") (split-string "," #\,)) (assert-equal () (split-string " ")) (assert-equal '("") (split-string "" #\,)) (assert-equal '(" ") (split-string " " #\,)) )) ;;; Ex Lisp #11 (define-test map-range (assert-equal '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) (map-range 'identity 1 10)) (assert-equal '(0 1 4 9 16) (map-range (lambda (n) (* n n)) 0 5)) (assert-equal nil (map-range (lambda (n) (* n n)) 5 5)) (assert-equal '(5 4 3 2 1) (map-range 'identity 5 0)) ) (define-test find-range (assert-equal 5 (find-range (lambda (n) (= (mod 35 n) 0)) 2 6)) (assert-equal nil (find-range (lambda (n) (= (mod 37 n) 0)) 2 20)) (let ((d nil)) (assert-equal 5 (find-range (lambda (n) (if (and (null d) (= (mod 35 n) 0)) (setq d n) nil)) 2 6))) (assert-equal 7 (find-range (lambda (n) (= (mod 35 n) 0)) 10 2)) ) (define-test every-range (assert-true (every-range (lambda (n) (> (mod 37 n) 0)) 2 30)) (assert-false (every-range (lambda (n) (> (mod 35 n) 0)) 2 30)) (assert-true (every-range (lambda (n) nil) 5 5)) (assert-false (every-range (lambda (n) nil) 5 4)) ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; BugWeb Exercises ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-test functions-referenced (assert-equality 'set-equal nil (functions-referenced nil)) (assert-equality set-equal nil (functions-referenced 'a)) (assert-equality set-equal nil (functions-referenced 1)) (assert-equality set-equal '(car) (functions-referenced '(car l))) (assert-equality set-equal '(+ car cdr) (functions-referenced '(+ (car l) (cdr l)))) (assert-equality set-equal '(list quote) (functions-referenced '(list 'a 'b))) (assert-equality set-equal '(+ *) (functions-referenced '(+ (* x y) (* y z)))) (assert-equality set-equal nil (functions-referenced "(car '(a b c))")) (assert-equality set-equal '(member function equal) (functions-referenced '(member x l :test #'equal))) (assert-equality set-equal '(let car cdr cond null +) (functions-referenced '(let ((x (car l)) (r (cdr l))) (cond ((null l) (+ x 2)) (t r))))) (assert-equality set-equal '(lambda car) (functions-referenced '(lambda (l) (car l)))) (assert-equality set-equal '(do length 1- cons null reverse print cdr) (functions-referenced '(do ((n (length l) (1- n)) (l nil (cons n l))) ((null l) (reverse l)) (print n) (print (cdr l))))) (assert-equality set-equal '(defun + car cdr) (functions-referenced '(defun foo (x y) (+ (car x) (cdr y))))) (assert-equality set-equal '(defun 1+ + car cdr) (functions-referenced '(defun foo (x y &optional (z (1+ x))) (+ (car x) (cdr y))))) (assert-equality set-equal '(defun max min list) (functions-referenced '(defun foo (x y &key (big (max x y)) (small (min x y))) (list big small)))) ) ;;; requires bugmops.lisp (define-test common-absts (assert-equality set-equal '(m-test-taking-function m-non-destructive-function) (common-absts 'remove 'member)) (assert-equality set-equal '(m-sequence-function) (common-absts 'remove 'delete)) (assert-equality set-equal '(m-test-taking-function) (common-absts 'delete 'member)) (assert-equality set-equal '(m-function) (common-absts 'nconc 'member)) (assert-equality set-equal nil (common-absts 'foo 'member)) ) (define-test absts-abstp ;; all the regular tests (assert-true (absts-abstp '(m-test-taking-function) '(m-sequence-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-sequence-function) '(m-test-taking-function))) (assert-true (absts-abstp '(m-sequence-function) '(m-non-destructive-function m-input-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-non-destructive-function m-input-function) '(m-sequence-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-sequence-function) '(m-sequence-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-sequence-function m-io-function) '(m-test-taking-function m-output-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-test-taking-function m-output-function) '(m-sequence-function m-io-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(member) '(m-test-taking-function m-non-destructive-function))) (assert-true (absts-abstp '() '(m-callable))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-callable) '())) (assert-false (absts-abstp '() '())) ;; tests added from problem spec (assert-true (absts-abstp '(m-output-function) '(m-test-taking-function m-destructive-function))) ;; new tests (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-non-destructive-function) '(m-destructive-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-destructive-function) '(m-non-destructive-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-non-destructive-function) '(m-destructive-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-non-destructive-function) '(m-destructive-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-non-destructive-function) '(m-sequence-function))) (assert-false (absts-abstp '(m-sequence-function) '(m-non-destructive-function))) ) (define-test ?is-a (assert-true (pat-match '(?is-a m-test-taking-function) 'member)) (assert-true (pat-match '(?is-a m-sequence-function) 'remove)) (assert-true (pat-match '(?is-a m-test-taking-function) 'remove)) (assert-false (pat-match '(?is-a m-sequence-function) 'member)) (assert-equal '(((x . member))) (pat-match '((? x) (?is-a m-sequence-function)) '(member remove))) ) (define-test member-match (let ((pat '((?or member remove) '(?and (?is listp) (? x)) '((?*) (? x) (?*))))) (assert-true (pat-match pat '(member '(a) '((a) (b) (c))))) (assert-true (pat-match pat '(member '(b) '((a) (b) (c))))) (assert-true (pat-match pat '(remove '(b) '((a) (b) (c))))) (assert-false (pat-match pat '(member 'a '(a b c)))) (assert-false (pat-match pat '(member '(a) '(((a)) (b) (c))))) (assert-false (pat-match pat '(member '(a) '((a) (b)) :test #'equal))) )) (define-test test-taking-match (let ((pat '((?is-a m-test-taking-function) (quote (?and (?is listp) (? x))) (quote ((?*) (? x) (?*)))))) (assert-true (pat-match pat '(member '(a) '((a) (b) (c))))) (assert-true (pat-match pat '(member '(b) '((a) (b) (c))))) (assert-true (pat-match pat '(remove '(b) '((a) (b) (c))))) (assert-false (pat-match pat '(member 'a '(a b c)))) (assert-false (pat-match pat '(member '(a) '(((a)) (b) (c))))) (assert-false (pat-match pat '(member '(a) '((a) (b)) :test #'equal))) )) (provide "exercise-tests")