The goal of the Bug Explainer is to provide a web service for novice programmers encountering bugs in their code when learning a new language. Novices don't know what's going wrong, and they often describe their problems in vague or invalid terms, e.g., "member doesn't work!" Hence their attempts to find answers via Google or FAQ searches often fail to find relevant answers.

To get around the ambiguity problem,

This is called case-based explanation, one of many applications of case-based reasoning (CBR).


Bug Analyzer

The analyzer needs to look at the bug report and find possible explanations for the bug. The clues to common bugs can be subtle. For example, novices often report that deleting doesn't work, and their example involves deleting the first element of a list. But another reason it doesn't work is because they're trying to delete a list and they're not telling DELETE to use EQUAL. And yet another possibility is that they use REMOVE and didn't realize that REMOVE doesn't modify the list.

If we think about how a Lisp expert understands these bugs, there are two parts. First, the expert has lots of explanations for common bugs. Some are specific to a single function or data type, others are more general. This is the kind of thing that frame hierarchies are good at representing.

Second, the expert has rules for analyzing the user's report for specific clues that a particular explanation may apply. This is where pattern matching works well. So let's build a system where the user's report is analyzed by a rule matcher, which produces a set of observations, which are then used to find explanations.

The standard way to look for such clues is pattern matching. The matcher used in the Lisp Critic is a good fit, since it's been tested on matching many Lisp code constructs. One pattern that recognizes the "deleting first element" situation is:

Expected(?X ?*)
Actual(?Y ?X ?*)

Note the use of variables across several fields of the user input.

Another common mistake is using any function that searches a container, and searching for a list but not giving an appropriate :test parameter. We could write a pattern like this:


But there are a lot of such functions, and new ones might be defined in a library. A better way would be to create a concept in our memory for that subclass of functions that do equality testing, organize the relevant functions under that concept, and then use that concept in the pattern.


The goal of the pattern matching is to generate one or more descriptions of the code in the form of frames. Then we can search for bug reports that explain bugs in similar pieces of code.

A bug report would be something like this:

Code (delete-call-15 (delete-call) (target-position 0))
Explanation Although DELETE can return a list without the first element, the structure of Lisp lists make it impossible to destructively remove the first element of a list. For more, see

Coding Tasks

Create a set of frames

DEFBUG is similar to DEFINE-LISP-PATTERN used in defining Lisp Critic rules in lisp-rules.lisp. You need some format that identifies which fields are being matched against, i.e., input versus expected versus actual.

GET-EXPLANATIONS should return rules, not just the text strings. There's no additional work to do this, and it leaves your options open for extensions, such as editing rules in the next task.

Submit: the Webactions functions you defined to implement to create and store the bug reports. Do not submit the CLP pages, but do submit functions called by CLP tags to display the bug reports, if any were defined.

Bug Report Interface

The input interface is where the end user specifies a problem. The interface needs to be easy to use and not require any expert knowledge from the user.

Use SimpleServer to create a simple app with a form that lets a user specify the following information:

SummaryA short text summary of bug. Not useful for the computer.
InputSample code that produces the bug
Expectedthe result(s) the user expected to see
Actualthe result(s) the user actually saw
Operating Systemthe operating system the user is on
Languagethe language, including implementation version the user has

Here are two example bug reports. I'm leaving out the summaries and platform information, since they're not important here:

Example Bug Report #1
Input(LET ((L '(A B C))) (DELETE 'A L) L)
Expected(B C)
Actual(A B C)
Example Bug Report #2
Input(DELETE '(B) '((A) (B) (C))
Expected((A) (C))
Actual((A) (B) (C))

Clicking submit on the form should send an AJAX request to the server with the form data. The server should search its library of existing bug reports and return in JSON form a list of matching cases, most similar ones first.

When the data is returned, the cases should be displayed below the user input.

Implement and test with at least the two examples above.

Submit: The server-side code for processing and responding to the request, and the ontology for explained bug reports.

Bug Rule Editor

Modify your your bug explanation page to allow people to edit an existing explanation rule, or to add a new one. The exact interface is up to you, but either option should open the same rule editing form, to let people change the pattern and explanation text, but not the name.

Submit: the Webactions functions you defined to implement to back-end editing and updating. Do not submit the CLP pages, but do submit functions called by CLP tags to display the bug reports, if any were defined.

Faculty: Chris Riesbeck
Time: MWF: 11:00am-11:50am
Location: Tech LR 5


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