Kenneth Forbus

Ken Forbus is a Professor of Computer Science and Education. Before coming to Northwestern, Prof. Forbus was the head of the Artificial Intelligence group at the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Prof. Forbus received his Ph.D. from MIT in 1984 in Artificial Intelligence, received an NSF PYI award in 1987, and was elected a AAAI Fellow in 1992. His interest in the construction of intelligent tutoring systems and learning environments stems in part from his experience working on the STEAMER Project at Bolt, Beranek, and Newman in the 1980s.

Prof. Fobus' current research interests include:

Qualitative physics. Prof. Forbus is one of the founders of qualitative physics, the area of artificial intelligence that develops representations and reasoning techniques that capture the ways that people reason about the physical world, ranging from the person on the street to scientists and engineers. This research includes:

Cognitive simulation of analogical processing The goal of this work is to develop a computational account of the processes involved in reasoning and learning by analogy, and an account of the role of similarity more generally, in human cognition. Our programs are thus motivated and evaluated in terms of their ability to account for psychological phenomena. This work, which is carried out in collaboration with Prof. Dedre Gentner, includes: